19 Mar 2019 in Senate:
I would like to ask---
19 Mar 2019 in Senate:
No, just allow me, Mr. Deputy Speaker, Sir. As you are aware, there is a similar matter that is under consideration by this Committee on NIIMS. The CS, together with his team, is supposed to appear before the House on 28th March, 2019. In anticipation of the ruling, I have already instructed my secretariat to send it, as a supplementary question, so that on that day, before the Committee of the Whole, they can give responses on both issues.
19 Mar 2019 in Senate:
I have seen the wide spread interest and concern by hon. Members. Therefore, when the team by the CS comes, hon. Senators can also ask them questions on this issue instead of inviting the CS here twice or thrice. Therefore, on the day they will be here for the entire morning, we can deal with the NIIMS issue, and then the Senators can also raise questions on the issue of birth certificates. We will also ask them to come with the Registrar of Persons to deal with that issue.
19 Mar 2019 in Senate:
Thank you, Mr. Deputy Speaker, Sir. I want to join you in welcoming the students from Makueni County to the Senate. It is always a pleasure when we see these young people, who are the trustees of our country’s posterity. However, I noticed that as they were walking in, one or two of them were not properly dressed; they had untucked shirts and their ties were loose. If they look at their Senator, he is impeccably dressed. Mr. Deputy Speaker, Sir, this may look like a small thing, but I know you went to a good school called Lenana High ...
19 Mar 2019 in Senate:
On a point of order, Mr. Deputy Speaker, Sir.
19 Mar 2019 in Senate:
Mr. Deputy Speaker, Sir, first of all, I do not require his assistance, but is it in order to allow the Senator for Nandi to continue being out of order? It has already been determined that he cannot pursue the Statement beyond what---
19 Mar 2019 in Senate:
Mr. Deputy Speaker, Sir, to the House.
19 Mar 2019 in Senate:
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28 Feb 2019 in Senate:
On a point of order, Mr. Speaker, Sir.
28 Feb 2019 in Senate:
Mr. Speaker, Sir, I know the---.