Johnson Arthur Sakaja

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Johnson Arthur Sakaja

Nairobi Senator; Chairman of the Kenya Young Parliamentarians Association; National Chairman - TNA (2012-2016).

All parliamentary appearances

Entries 3561 to 3570 of 5036.

  • 20 Nov 2018 in Senate: despite having legal framework at the national level, had no serious PPP projects since 2013. Where is the problem? These amendments will not cure that issue. They will also provide a similar framework at the county level to what we have at the national level, but the problem that has been there that has prevented the private sector from engaging with the Government on projects still exists. That is where the solution must be found. We should ask ourselves whether there is lack of confidence in the word of Government. When I come here and speak about demolitions and some ... view
  • 20 Nov 2018 in Senate: Before the national Government guarantees – I am sure you had a similar challenge in your previous life as a governor – the hurdles that you will be taken through as a county government to get a guarantee are too much. Even within this context, we must make sure that once you provide this framework, we are not putting hurdles so that county governments, again five years from now, will not be able to achieve projects through PPP in the same way the national Government has not been able to achieve any projects based on PPPs so far. I hope ... view
  • 20 Nov 2018 in Senate: Mr. Speaker, Sir, this Bill talks about prioritisation. You cannot do prioritisation if you do not have access to information. Many of these projects or attempts at these projects are shrouded in a lot of secrecy. You do not know where they started or whether the request for proposals was open and whether it was public. The other day, we had issues in Pumwani Maternity Hospital and after three days, the Governor named it Sonko Pumwani Maternity Hospital and now partnering with Aga Khan Hospital. No one looked at it and the Assembly had not discussed it. view
  • 20 Nov 2018 in Senate: Mr. Speaker, Sir, at one point, the Committee on Finance and Budget failed to look at it – I hope we bring it in amendments – because of that component of access to information and the secrecy. The other reason is that governors also have this habit of hiding behind the provisions of the Senate, which only oversights the shareable revenue from the national Government. The Senate must have a role to play in these projects because of their magnitude and the fact that we can then protect the interests of the counties and their governments. Once a compendium of ... view
  • 20 Nov 2018 in Senate: other projects that are being considered by the county. At the national level, I have said and I am sorry – I know my Deputy Senate Majority Leader is here – but I do not understand why as a country, we are insisting on doing a Kshs480 billion project to add another layer of road from Mombasa to Nairobi, yet we still cannot get jobs for our young people and are unable to provide, just with Kshs45 billion, a mass transit system for Nairobi City County. I am talking about a metro system with trams and a light rail. Addis ... view
  • 20 Nov 2018 in Senate: back to the people and they are able to pay back the county government. It is not rocket science and will not take 10 years to do. It can be done but with the proper framework. Mr. Speaker, Sir, the reason we have a lot of garbage in the city is because we are paying people to collect garbage but not paying them to clean the city or deliver that garbage. If you give me a contract today and you have divided Nairobi City County into lots, and that I am the one collecting garbage in Westlands, I will do ... view
  • 20 Nov 2018 in Senate: On a point of information, Mr. Deputy Speaker, Sir. view
  • 20 Nov 2018 in Senate: Mr. Deputy Speaker, Sir, ordinarily, I would not interrupt my brother, Sen. Mutula Kilonzo Jnr. I would like to inform him that my proposal is not that the Senate necessarily approves or denies, but the fact that access to information must be there and the Senate must be notified when the compendium of projects that are to be subjected to PPP are sent through to the national Government. In that conveyer belt, the Senate must be there because we are the ones who give money to the counties. That is the information I am giving. Of course, it will be ... view
  • 20 Nov 2018 in Senate: On a point of order, Mr. Deputy Speaker, Sir. Our Standing Orders are clear on the role of Committees in this House. Is the good Senator for Nandi, who has dismayed and shattered my hopes for what is happening in this House, in order to say that he wants to ask the Cabinet Secretary for Devolution and ASAL areas, Hon. Wamalwa, how the Senate is involved in a matter that ideally, as the Chairperson of the Committee on Justice, Legal Affairs and Human Rights together with the Chairperson of the Committee on Devolution and Intergovernmental Relations should be informing the ... view
  • 14 Nov 2018 in Senate: On a point of order, Mr. Speaker, Sir. view


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