14 Nov 2018 in Senate:
Mr. Speaker, Sir, I understand the kind of emotions and anger that we all have. However, am the Vice Chairperson of the Senate Committee on Security, Defence and Foreign Relations and, of course, I am a Member of the Senate Committee on Education. Is Sen. Ndwiga in order to say that police officers and teachers are molesters when it comes to the protection of children? Is the blanket condemnation in order when we know that there are certain elements in the police doing this? Not all of them are molesters. Many of them are doing a great job for this ...
14 Nov 2018 in Senate:
Mr. Deputy Speaker, Sir, this matter might possibly be referred to my Committee. Therefore, I will make my remarks brief. First, the ratings we are hearing are making people lose sight of this issue. Our counties are not competing on this matter. Even if it was a matter of only one county, we should have the same kind of outrage. It is not about whether your county has a 40 per cent or a 20 per cent prevalence rate; it is a moral problem in our county. Mr. Deputy Speaker, Sir, I agree on the first dimension, where Members are ...
14 Nov 2018 in Senate:
have never told your daughter she is beautiful. She does not know that you are her first love. Mr. Deputy Speaker, Sir, the place of male parenting in society cannot be overstated. That is why today, if you go online, because our young girls they lack esteem, they have to take photos showing their behinds on Instagram. That is why there is an epidemic of slay queens. We must---
14 Nov 2018 in Senate:
Thank you, Mr. Deputy Speaker, Sir. I am passionate because I am a parent. We see the number of young girls who also send us messages as legislators from well off to do families. However, they just want affection. Therefore, let us look at all the dimensions, including the criminal element of it. We should also look at why we have lost such values in our schools such that those young teenagers, both boys and girls, think it is okay for them to engage in sex recklessly. As Sen. Kilonzo Jnr said, it is not just the incidence; it is ...
13 Nov 2018 in Senate:
On a point of order, Mr. Deputy Speaker, Sir.
13 Nov 2018 in Senate:
Mr. Deputy Speaker, Sir, the official languages to be used in this House are clear; they are English and Kiswahili. I have heard Sen. Cherargei say that if a person advertises in Nairobi, he or she must use swag. First of all, I know that is not a word that is common in Nandi County. Therefore, could the Senator kindly tell us what he means when he says swag and how he came about it?
13 Nov 2018 in Senate:
Mr. Deputy Speaker, Sir, I note what you say. When the good Senator from Nandi County used the superlative description of ‗super‘, he did not finish his sentence. Therefore, I did not know whether he was referring to me as is common outside the precincts of this House or about something else. However, since he has clarified, I warn him that he should not call me super Senator without finishing the word ‗Sakaja‘ outside the House but not on the Floor.
13 Nov 2018 in Senate:
I stand guided, Mr. Deputy Speaker, Sir.
13 Nov 2018 in Senate:
On a point of order, Mr. Deputy Speaker, Sir. This is really out of order because when he was making that comment, he looked around until he settled. I do not know which head made him make that assertion that, that fruit is bigger than the head of some of the Senators. Could he substantiate who he is talking about?
13 Nov 2018 in Senate:
Thank you, very much, Mr. Deputy Speaker, Sir. Allow me to start from where you left off, noting that the Speaker does not debate or speak. However, in this particular instance, a question has been raised by Sen. M. Kajwang‘ on the difference between licensing and procurement with respect to such a service. In as much as it is still The electronic version of the Senate Hansard Report is for information purposesonly. A certified version of this Report can be obtained from the Hansard Editor, Senate.