8 Nov 2018 in Senate:
Mr. Speaker, Sir, I would like to inform the good Senator for Vihiga that unfortunately, because of the new Standing Orders Nos.47, 48, 49 and 50, that statement lapsed. So, if you reissue it, then we will deal with it with the same pomp and alacrity that you know me to deal with such statements. Statements which lapsed before the review of Standing Orders need to be recommitted to the House.
7 Nov 2018 in Senate:
Thank you, Mr. Speaker, Sir. I have two Statements. With your permission, I will issue them all together. The electronic version of the Senate Hansard Report is for information purposesonly. A certified version of this Report can be obtained from the Hansard Editor, Senate.
7 Nov 2018 in Senate:
Pursuant to Standing Order No.51(1)(a), I rise to issue a Statement as the Chairperson of the Standing Committee on Labour and Social Welfare regarding some of the issues that arose during the county visit to Mombasa County, Kwale County and Kilifi County from 28th October, 2018 to 2nd November, 2018. Mr. Speaker, Sir, during the Senate Standing Committee on Labour and Social Welfare county visit to Mombasa, Kwale and Kilifi counties, a number of issues of concern were raised by the county governments‘ workers unions. We met county assemblies, County Executive Committee (CEC) Members as well as the Governor of ...
7 Nov 2018 in Senate:
I wish that Senators could listen because this is extremely important.
7 Nov 2018 in Senate:
Mr. Speaker, Sir, these are issues that affect each and every county, and therefore, Senators need to understand. I request the Senate to support the Committee in ensuring the following- (1) That every county government recognizes a trade union for purposes of collective bargaining if that trade union represents the simple majority of unionisable employees in that county in line with Section 54 of Labour Relations Act. Many counties have refused to recognize the trade unions in the counties, which is against the law which states that they must be recognized. Therefore, with the support of the Senate, we ask ...
7 Nov 2018 in Senate:
to us. All county governments‘ workers are expressing uncertainty in terms of their pensions. The county governors are not paying PAYE as required to either Local Authorities Provident Fund (LAPFUND) or Local Authorities Pensions Trust (LAPTRUST). They say that there is no enabling legislation. Therefore, the blame out there in the country is on the Senate because we have not been able to conclude on this Bill. (3) Request every county government to harmonize the terms and conditions of employment of all employees working in that county government. We will ask Senators to give us their input on this. There ...
7 Nov 2018 in Senate:
Mr. Speaker, Sir, pursuant to Standing Order No.51 (1) (a), I rise to make a Statement as the Chair of Committee on Labour and Social Welfare regarding the preferences and reservations in public procurement and assets disposal under Section 157 of The Public Procurement and Asset Disposal Act. Mr. Speaker, Sir, Section 8 of that law establishes the Public Procurement Regulatory Authority which is mandated- (a) to monitor the implementation of the preference and reservations Schemes by procuring entities; and, The electronic version of the Senate Hansard Report is for information purposesonly. A certified version of this Report can be ...
7 Nov 2018 in Senate:
(b) monitor and evaluate the preference and reservations provides for under the Act. In addition, all procuring entities, Government Ministries, State corporations, parastatals and county governments are supposed to set aside 30 per cent of the value of procurement for young people, women and persons with disability and such reports must be made every six months to the Public Procurement Regulatory Authority. Those reports are then supposed to be brought to the House through the Committee on National Cohesion, Equal Opportunities and Regional Integration. Mr. Speaker, Sir, this has not been done. In many counties, we have seen unscrupulous traders ...
7 Nov 2018 in Senate:
Thank you, Mr. Speaker, Sir.
6 Nov 2018 in Senate:
Thank you, Mr. Speaker, Sir. Before I get into this Petition, allow me to bring what I have noticed to your attention. Many Senators are not aware of the provisions of Standing Order No.112 (2). It says- “No Senator shall pass between the Chair and any Senator who is speaking or between the Chair and the Table except in so far as it is necessary for the purpose of the administration of Oath or Affirmation of Officer.” I am sure Sen. Khaniri has also noticed this over time that many Senators just pass between whoever is speaking and the Chair ...