8 Mar 2018 in Senate:
Mr. Speaker, Sir, I have the answer. It is similar to a statement that was requested a few weeks ago by Sen. Chebeni whose answer I was to give today. Do I give the answer or should I wait for--- Mr. Speaker, Sir, you need to give guidance. Why are similar statements approved from the Clerk’s Office because the issue is the same?
8 Mar 2018 in Senate:
Mr. Speaker, Sir, the statement he is seeking relates to a statement that was requested three weeks ago by Senator Mercy Chebeni regarding the National Employment Authority because that is the body that deals with those issues. With your guidance, instead of responding because I can see Sen. Chebeni is not here, unless I am not seeing right, could I consolidate them both and give the response on Tuesday?
8 Mar 2018 in Senate:
Mr. Speaker, Sir, just to follow on what Sen. M. Kajwang' has said, there could be a matter that is being dealt with by a committee and the Chair of the committee is the spokesperson of the Committee. There is a matter that the Committee has already dealt with and the Chair can give a response. I do not need to write to the Ministry of Labour and Social Protection to ask them about the unemployment rate when the Economic Survey and the Census Reports are publicly available documents. We might also be bogging them down, but we are not ...
8 Mar 2018 in Senate:
Mr. Speaker, Sir, I seek your indulgence because I thought that Sen. Chebeni had actually requested to be absent from the House. She had mentioned that she may not be present. In that case, I am willing to do it later. However, please provide a standard procedure, if a Member wishes to absent themselves how can they notify you? Secondly, please be tough on the Members who ask questions and are not in the House as the Chair has been on Chairpersons who are not readily available with the answers. I have many responses but many of the Senators who ...
8 Mar 2018 in Senate:
Mr. Speaker, Sir, the Statement sought was on the Status of the Kenya National Employment Authority. The response is as follows:- The first question was to table in the Senate the register of job seekers kept by the Authority and of those who have gained employment through the Authority. It should be in the record of the House that the Kenya National Employment Authority (KNEA), which was set up in 2017 through an Act of Parliament, transformed from the former National Employment Bureau (NEB) that used to be housed in the then Ministry of Labour. The number of jobseekers who ...
8 Mar 2018 in Senate:
Mr. Speaker, Sir, not necessarily, it is not.
8 Mar 2018 in Senate:
Mr. Speaker, Sir, the question that Sen. (Dr.) Ali has asked for; No.1 is about graduates and their requirements like HELB and the Certificate of Good conduct. I would wish to combine his with the question asked by Sen. Prengei who asked yesterday on similar issues of employment of youths. That is what I meant.
8 Mar 2018 in Senate:
Mr. Speaker, Sir, the one on the Order Paper.
8 Mar 2018 in Senate:
Mr. Speaker, Sir, I also mentioned that many of the Statements that came are similar. Mr. Speaker, Sir, those are the numbers for registered jobseekers from 2008 to 2015. For 2016 to 2017, the total number of registered jobseekers is 18,616 and those who were placed are 10,773. The register for jobseekers placed through the Authority are normally retained in the respective county employment offices. The second question was on the measures the Authority has undertaken to create awareness of its existence and mandate among the youth. Here, I do not agree with the Cabinet Secretary for Labour, Social Security ...
8 Mar 2018 in Senate:
Mr. Speaker Sir, referral of jobseekers to employers for various employment opportunities is done considering the gender, youth, the marginalized and PWDs. Employers are also encouraged to consider them during selection and placement. Mr. Speaker, Sir, the fourth question was on the number of private employment agencies registered in Kenya. They are 53 registered agencies. I will not name them but I will table the response. Mr. Speaker, Sir, the fifth question was to explain the mechanisms of accreditation of private employment bureaus and agencies. As listed here, they include: (1) Submission of a written application which is accompanied by ...