22 Mar 2016 in National Assembly:
It has been said that we are doing women a favour. I would like to state categorically that by passing such provisions, we are not doing women a favour. We are doing our nation a great service. It is, indeed, service to our nation. I do not know if in 20 years, it will be men receiving that affirmative action. There are also a few women who have disappointed in leadership. Many can name the scandals women leaders have been involved in. But for every one woman who has disappointed in leadership, there are three or four men who have ...
22 Mar 2016 in National Assembly:
There is one thing I am extremely passionate about which I would propose we include in this Bill. When we come up with the lists, either in the regulations or in the Elections Act as an amendment - because I am not sure if we can amend a constitutional amendment - we should ensure that we put in what we call the “zebra principle.” For every nominated woman above 35 years, the next on the list must be a woman below 35 years so that we will have hit two birds with one stone. That way, we will also ensure ...
22 Mar 2016 in National Assembly:
I appeal to my male colleagues. I know many times we have said and many women have thought that it is the “womanness” or the femininity of the women that is detrimental to their progress. I have seen that kind of thinking. I would like to say that where we are as a country today, we need women who have critical minds and compassionate hearts. We need leaders who The electronic version of the Official Hansard Report is for information purposesonly. A certified version of this Report can be obtained from the Hansard Editor.
22 Mar 2016 in National Assembly:
believe in dignity and honour. You will find that within women. We need women who have a hope that anchors them and principles that guide them. This is because when women are principled, it is very difficult to move them from those principles. We need women who can see the faces of those they are representing more than men, even as women may focus more on the statistics of the people we are representing.
22 Mar 2016 in National Assembly:
I can see lights are being switched on. I would like to encourage the women out there. As a party leader, we had a very difficult time in the last election coming up with women for those nomination lists. This is because in as much as many were participating in rallies and activities, very few associated themselves as members of the parties and as interested people. I am sure it was the same case in the Orange Democratic Movement (ODM). It is good that now we want women to vie for those positions. We will support them. If you are ...
16 Mar 2016 in National Assembly:
Hon. Temporary Deputy Chairman, for a long time, I have been wondering what happened to my colleague who is my opposite number in the ODM since he became Chair. I am glad he has confirmed that the caucus of confusion happens where he is sitting with Hon. Opiyo Wandayi and he has been misadvising him terribly. So, I would like to remind him of the Standing Order of relevance. Whatever you are saying has nothing to do with the Bill on Health Records and Information Managers, but I am glad today we know where the confusion has been coming from ...
16 Mar 2016 in National Assembly:
The Malindi by-election was almost two weeks ago. It is not usual for CORD to win and that is why they are still excited until today about a small victory in a very tiny constituency. What the Member for North Horr is not saying is that he himself is a founder Member of the United Republican Party (URP) and because he could not get one or two things that he wanted, he moved to ODM. He moved because of the ticket. He is ODM on the outside, but deep down, he is Jubilee to the core. He even looks like ...
10 Mar 2016 in National Assembly:
It is “Jude” and not “Judy”!
10 Mar 2016 in National Assembly:
On a point of order.
10 Mar 2016 in National Assembly:
On a point of order, Hon. Temporary Deputy Speaker. I am sure that when my good friend, Hon. Chris Wamalwa went to school he knew that the student who was always number one could never copy from the one who was the last in class. Can he substantiate the allegation that Jubilee which had a winning formula could copy anything from the Manifesto of CORD, despite the fact that they lost? We launched our manifesto way before CORD launched theirs if at all they ever did.