30 Jul 2015 in National Assembly:
I am winding up. I have seen that the light has gone. Because of the need with the tools being the same, the entire world is focussing on our young people. As I wind up, I would like to support this and really congratulate the Departmental Committee on Labour and Social Welfare and the Government for---
30 Jul 2015 in National Assembly:
On a point of order, Hon. Temporary Deputy Speaker.
30 Jul 2015 in National Assembly:
Hon. Temporary Deputy Speaker, because we are a House of procedure and rules, if we allow such things to go on, they will become the norm. Is the Member in order to use two languages by referring to you as Mheshimiwa while he is contributing in English? Could he kindly stick to one language? I do not like interrupting him because he is a fellow bearded Member.
30 Jul 2015 in National Assembly:
Thank you, Hon. Temporary Deputy Speaker, for giving me this opportunity again but now to speak on the Sessional Paper on Employment Policy and Strategy for Kenya. This is a matter that is, indeed, very close to my heart and I have proposed legislation that draws from this particular Sessional Paper. My Bill, the National Youth Employment Authority Bill, has passed the Second Reading. I was just being asked now how my Bill came before this policy. This policy paper was tabled in September 2013 and I have been reading it ever since. It is now on the Floor. It ...
30 Jul 2015 in National Assembly:
The Sessional Paper is well done. It touches on all the important issues that we need to look at when it comes to creating employment opportunities in this country. We have a working age of around 20 million Kenyans and a very high unemployment rate. Our unemployment rate, in fact, is one of the worst in the Continent. All efforts must be made to address the issue of unemployment. Even as we tackle different challenges in this country, for example, insecurity, I just would like to let Members know that the biggest threat to this country is not Al Shabaab. ...
30 Jul 2015 in National Assembly:
school in rural areas has space for a secondary classroom but, because we have not done that, we let children get out of the system in primary school. Those who fall out before Form IV are very many and that is why I support what this Sessional Paper is talking about in terms of the retention and the transition rate going up to 100 per cent. Unless we do that, a child at Class VI cannot decide whether he wants to be a cobbler or a mason or whatever else. When you tell them to go to technical institutions, you ...
30 Jul 2015 in National Assembly:
One of the issues that I have picked out of this Sessional Paper that is in the Bill is to create the Labour Management Information System which is the data-base within the National Employment Authority Bill. I had agreed with the Committee to drop the word youth so that it is open to everyone, in as much as the youth are the majority. Those job centres will be all over the country. The reason for this is that a child who leaves university today and, maybe, he or she is from a poor background and goes back home in Lukwale ...
30 Jul 2015 in National Assembly:
Secondly the Bill I am proposing out of this Sessional Paper creates mandatory internships for young people in secondary schools and colleges because the Government has space for those young people. If all the 175 parastatals, Ministries and county governments took just 20 or 50 of those young people, we will have very many.
30 Jul 2015 in National Assembly:
I have a lot of things to talk about, but I do not have enough time. If you could use Standing Order No.1 to just to give five more minutes or two--- That is because there are many issues such as linkages between education training institutions and equal employment opportunities. The equal employment opportunity commission that we picked from the State is something that we are incorporating, so that every Kenyan, no matter where he or she is knows that he or she has equal chance to get a job. That is one of the pillars of ensuring there is ...
30 Jul 2015 in National Assembly:
Hon. Temporary Deputy Speaker, I beg to move the following Motion:- THAT, this House adopts Sessional Paper No.9 of 2013 on National Cohesion and Integration, laid on the Table of the House on Thursday, July 31, 2014. The Joint Committee on the National Cohesion and Equal Opportunities is established under Standing Orders No.214 and 217, and its mandate is stipulated in our Standing Orders. The membership is available in the website, and I do not need to read out that. Even as I go on, I want to acknowledge the offices of the Speaker and the Clerk for the logistical ...