29 Apr 2015 in National Assembly:
Thank you very much, hon. Temporary Deputy Speaker. This is one of those days that you feel proud not just to be a legislator but to be a Kenyan. The might of a country is not just by how it provides for the rich and the mighty but it equalizes opportunities for even the downtrodden, the poor and its young people. This Bill has radically changed the landscape of doing business in this country. It changes the landscape of public procurement. We must all be able to applaud ourselves for the effort that we have put in coming up with ...
29 Apr 2015 in National Assembly:
Laptops will come. There is now a time limit even on the court cases. The laptop issue which has been embroiled in court cases for so long must be sorted out. In fact, I must congratulate Hon. Gumbo, Hon. Ogari and Hon. Humphrey of Gatanga. These Members exemplified what to legislate is. They sat down for long hours and brought more than 100 amendments. Not just to make it hard for us to pass these but to change a lot of the issues that have been overlooked. For the first time, we are provided with something you can stand tall ...
29 Apr 2015 in National Assembly:
proud because some of the amendments I brought have been pending for more than two years since the first day I came into this House. For me, it is a proud moment. I am sure if there were lights in the other room we would have converged at the caucus room where refreshments are usually found to just consult more about what we have done today.
28 Apr 2015 in National Assembly:
Thank you very much, Hon. Temporary Deputy Chairman. I rise to support this, specifically the amendment to Clause 27(2). The Board had been proposed to set up regional panels to handle procurement appeals in different parts of the country. We felt that, that would create cartels. If there are three people known to listen to all the procurement appeals in Mombasa or Kericho then we shall have given them too much opportunity for rent-seeking. To avoid that, we felt that the appeals panel stays as one. So, I support that amendment.
28 Apr 2015 in National Assembly:
Hon. Temporary Deputy Chairman, it is really simple. I want to contribute to another one, but this is just to harmonise with all the other civil servants.
28 Apr 2015 in National Assembly:
Thank you, hon. Temporary Deputy Chairman. Clause 44 deals with internal organisation of procuring entities. We felt that it was important to clearly put in place what we expect from the accounting officers of every procuring entity. One of this is to comply with sections 68, 147,148 and 149, which talk about advance The electronic version of the Official Hansard Report is for information purposesonly. A certified version of this Report can be obtained from the Hansard Editor.
28 Apr 2015 in National Assembly:
payments and when these payments are done. Lack of clarity before has led to a lot of corruption. More importantly for me, which is why I asked to contribute, we want to insert a new paragraph that says that they shall submit to the Authority part of the procurement plan demonstrating how they are going to apply preference and reservations. So, every county government and national entity must show in its budget the amount of money they expect the young people, women and people with disabilities to access. It should not just be by chance that young people get tenders. ...
28 Apr 2015 in National Assembly:
Hon. Temporary Deputy Chairman, I realise that the two Members have spoken about the next amendment. We are not yet there. They have talked about the New Clause 47 (a).
28 Apr 2015 in National Assembly:
Thank you, hon. Temporary Deputy Chairman. I will speak quickly on it. I propose that you also give an opportunity to Hon. Ogari because it originated from him.