Johnson Arthur Sakaja

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Johnson Arthur Sakaja

Nairobi Senator; Chairman of the Kenya Young Parliamentarians Association; National Chairman - TNA (2012-2016).

All parliamentary appearances

Entries 4531 to 4540 of 5036.

  • 28 Apr 2015 in National Assembly: Hon. Temporary Deputy Chairman, what this talks about is when a procuring entity needs to identify a list of qualified persons, they can actually seek it in writing a list from another State organ provided that the list has been arrived at competitively. The amendment seeks to increase that and say not only can you do it from another State organ, but also from a professional body that regulates a certain profession so long as the list is valid and developed through a competitive process. In the case of regulated professional bodies--- For example, if they want a list of ... view
  • 28 Apr 2015 in National Assembly: Hon. Temporary Deputy Chairman, you can see why I had to speak from my seat. Thank you for indulging me. The way it was initially written, the import of this provision was that a State officer or a public officer could not enter into any contract for procurement with any Government body, national or county public entity. This begged the question of where they would do it. To avoid conflict of interest, we have specified that they cannot get into a contract for procurement with an entity in which they are a State officer or a public officer. They can ... view
  • 28 Apr 2015 in National Assembly: Hon. Temporary Deputy Chairman, the law states two things, namely, that you cannot be a State officer and be in full time employment in another place. This would be misconstrued to say, if you take it as it was, that even an entity where you have an interest in or have shares in, is construed to have entered into a contract with you. That is what we are trying to cure. view
  • 28 Apr 2015 in National Assembly: Thank you, hon. Temporary Deputy Chairman. I just want to give information. I know that hon. Members have a lot of concerns about the definition of “disadvantaged groups” as regards the 30 per cent procurement principle. The Bill is very clear that the 30 per cent provision applies to the youth, women and people with disabilities. However, we have an entire chapter on preferences and reservations. Maybe, in the future, hon. Members may want to provide a measure for any other disadvantaged groups. So, the term “disadvantaged groups” is defined in the Bill. The particular affirmative action measure of 30 ... view
  • 28 Apr 2015 in National Assembly: On a point of information, hon. Temporary Deputy Chairman. view
  • 28 Apr 2015 in National Assembly: Hon. Temporary Deputy Chairman, if you have an error, it does not mean that your tender is disqualified. It means that you cannot say that you want to take it back and correct that error. That loophole has previously been used by many bidders, who would quote lower amounts in order to get a tender and seek to vary the amount The electronic version of the Official Hansard Report is for information purposesonly. A certified version of this Report can be obtained from the Hansard Editor. view
  • 28 Apr 2015 in National Assembly: thereafter. Because of that ukora, the quoted amount of a tender shall remain final. If you want to correct, you can change the rates that you are charging per item so long as you remain within the tender value. view
  • 28 Apr 2015 in National Assembly: I have got a new name today, “Nominated Sakaja”. view
  • 28 Apr 2015 in National Assembly: Thank you. The current ruling party I must add. Hon. Temporary Deputy Chairman, if you look at the amendments, we went through a lot of consultation in the Committee on this issue and we were all in agreement including the Treasury that the final sum should not be changed because of the mischief that Hon. Ogari has brought out very eloquently. I would like to persuade Hon. Ogari that this does not in any way affect the adjustment of the line items. If you made an error and you have to change from Kshs500 per hour to Kshs200 per hour ... view
  • 28 Apr 2015 in National Assembly: “come and correct”. You have sufficient time during the exam to make sure your work is done properly. Let people be meticulous in preparing for tendering. view


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