23 Apr 2014 in National Assembly:
opportunities for youth, women and persons with disability`, which report shall contain details of the procuring entities and how they have complied with the provisions of this section. (c) by renumbering the existing subclause (10) as subclause (15). Hon. Temporary Deputy Chairmen, the intention of these amendments is to ensure, first of all, at this point that the youth, women and people with disability are able to access 30 per cent procurement preferences as decreed by Government. Specifically, I will go to the sub-clause which states that we want to insert the word “spend” after the word “procurement” and the ...
23 Apr 2014 in National Assembly:
So, Sub-clause (11) says that the procuring entities at the national and county level shall make a quarterly report to the Public Procurement and Oversight Authority (PPOA). The details of that report are given in Sub-clause (12) that the report shall certify that they have complied with the provisions of this section. Then the report shall provide details to indicate the young people, women and people with disabilities whose goods and services have been procured by the procuring entities and who have benefitted. The value of those contracts also must be shown, so that we can know that, indeed, it ...
23 Apr 2014 in National Assembly:
Finally, Clause 3(c) is just renumbering the existing sub-clause 10 to be sub clause 15 because of the amendments made earlier.
23 Apr 2014 in National Assembly:
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23 Apr 2014 in National Assembly:
Hon. Temporary Deputy Chairman, I am on two things. One, I have not amended sub clause 10. I have inserted a clause after 9, which I have numbered as 10. So, that is why if you look at my last amendment in (c) it is to renumber. So, when I am talking about mandatory signatory, that is an insertion after sub clause 9. But what hon. Millie is trying to do in sub clause 10 of the amendment that I have, I agree with her fully because it just enriches the references to the Constitution, namely Article 54 and 57. ...
23 Apr 2014 in National Assembly:
Of references to the Constitution.
23 Apr 2014 in National Assembly:
We are trying to ensure that 30 per cent of the procurement is spend, meaning the value of procurement---
23 Apr 2014 in National Assembly:
No! No! “Spend” is the amount of money actually spent by the entity. In fact, to make it better we ought to have said, “Thirty per cent of the total value of procurement”. I am not talking about the actual---
23 Apr 2014 in National Assembly:
Hon. Temporary Deputy Chairman, the hon. Member had requested me to carry her amendments as she was leaving but I see there are similarities---
23 Apr 2014 in National Assembly:
Yes, hon. Temporary Deputy Chairman. I was advised otherwise by the legal team.