Joyce was born in abject poverty. In 2012, she suspended her PhD studies to concentrate. In 1985-1996 she participated in the translation of the bible to Turkana language. Previously, Joyce worked with the United Nations Children and Oxfam Kenya and was actively involved with the community. She puts education empowerment on top of her list in her quest to transform Turkana County. She also believes that without security, there cannot be any development and therefore has been very vocal on issues of security in her parliamentary debates.
5 Mar 2014 in National Assembly:
On a point of order, hon. Speaker. I am surprised, when the hon. Member for Garissa Township says he has no role to play in the development of a strategic plan for his county, when he is a key stakeholder.
5 Mar 2014 in National Assembly:
Thank you, hon. Speaker.
5 Mar 2014 in National Assembly:
Thank you, hon. Temporary Deputy Speaker. I rise to support the Motion. Besides the transport industry contributing to the economy of the country, there are many other losses that were incurred today. This is if you look at the related businesses such as insurance firms and vehicle body building industries. There are many businesses that suffered loss today. I urge the county governments, besides the transport industry, to consider the economic status of the different cadres of citizens in the levies that they charge. They should not charge levies arbitrarily because it is against the law. The taxes and levies ...
5 Mar 2014 in National Assembly:
For instance, in Turkana, a county that is already ravaged by many predicaments, a county government will wake up one morning and say that all the women carrying firewood and charcoal should be taxed. The same applies to fishermen who have spent the whole night in the lake fighting with crocodiles and catching few fish. It is immoral, inhuman and inconsiderate to charge levies with no basis. The electronic version of the Official Hansard Report is for information purposesonly. A certified version of this Report can be obtained from the Hansard Editor.
5 Mar 2014 in National Assembly:
Hon. Temporary Deputy Speaker, counties have been given a lot of money by the Exchequer and it should be used. As things stand now, there is a lot of money still lying at the National Treasury because the counties have not made adequate returns to get the money that they need instead of charging extra levies against the poor citizens.
5 Mar 2014 in National Assembly:
Thank you, hon. Temporary Deputy Speaker.
26 Feb 2014 in National Assembly:
Thank you, hon. Temporary Deputy Speaker. I rise to support this Bill. First, I want to thank the framers of the Constitution for actually considering the poverty levels in the so called marginalised counties and also considering the historical injustices, vulnerability, destitution, poor infrastructure and the inadequate skills witnessed in these places.
26 Feb 2014 in National Assembly:
Hon. Temporary Deputy Speaker, I want to support this Bill because when funds are devolved through constituencies, they will actually go to lower units of governance. These are units that are closer to the people and well versed with the grassroots needs and challenges. These are units that have the experience of supporting communities through the Constituencies Development Fund (CDF). The CDF has done a fabulous job in terms of development of communities and its impact has been heavily felt and is appreciated.
26 Feb 2014 in National Assembly:
Hon. Temporary Deputy Speaker, once this amendment is passed I want to urge the managers and the implementers of the Fund to consider sectors that are very critical, particularly in these areas that are lagging behind and one of those sectors is education. This is in terms of bursaries and scholarships for secondary, tertiary and vocational training. We need to produce the required human resource and skills to exploit the opportunities that are actually found in some of these counties. I am looking at Turkana for instance where we have had these great discoveries of oil and water. We need ...
26 Feb 2014 in National Assembly:
Hon. Temporary Deputy Speaker, Article 43(1) of the Constitution in Chapter Four of the Bill of Rights actually says that: “Every person has the right –