Judah ole Metito

Parties & Coalitions

Full name

Judah Katoo Ole-Metito


12th March 1973


Parliament Buildings
Parliament Rd.
P.O Box 41842 – 00100
Nairobi, Kenya








0202 848634


P. O. Box 191 Loitokitok

All parliamentary appearances

Entries 991 to 1000 of 1895.

  • 12 Nov 2014 in National Assembly: Finally, this Bill concerns the counties and, therefore, in accordance with Article 110, it will go back to the Senate. However, I want to say something about the Senate. Maybe, we should--- view
  • 12 Nov 2014 in National Assembly: Yes, it is my final comment. I just want to say that if you look at the democracies that are purely presidential, the Senate is devolved. We have senates in the states of USA. I think it is high time we also devolved our Senate and have it in our counties. There is no democracy where you have only a two-chamber House at the national level. We should have two chambers also at the county level. I beg to second. view
  • 12 Nov 2014 in National Assembly: Yes, it is my final comment. I just want to say that if you look at the democracies that are purely presidential, the Senate is devolved. We have senates in the states of USA. I think it is high time we also devolved our Senate and have it in our counties. There is no democracy where you have only a two-chamber House at the national level. We should have two chambers also at the county level. I beg to second. view
  • 28 Oct 2014 in National Assembly: Thank you, hon. Chairlady. I want to make an observation. It is known that all chief executive officers (CEOs) in the Government serve a three-year term renewable once. I do not know what is so special with the director of Mining. It is as if we are introducing a system that is different from the current one. If we are saying what the last speaker, hon. Ogalo, was saying, three years is such a short period. We will destabilise the mining sector. The electronic version of the Official Hansard Report is for information purposesonly. A certified version of this Report ... view
  • 28 Oct 2014 in National Assembly: Five years is also a very long time for somebody who is not effective. Therefore, I want to plead with the Committee that we retain what is in the Bill, three years but the term be renewable once. view
  • 23 Oct 2014 in National Assembly: Hon. Speaker, I beg to move the following Motion in an amended form:- THAT, notwithstanding the resolution of the House on 11th February, 2014 regarding the appointment of Members to the respective Committees, this House further approves the appointment of the Minority Whip, the Hon. Thomas Mwadeghu, MP, to the House Business Committee. Hon. Speaker, I have amended the Motion in that manner in order for it to conform to Standing Order No.176, which is about the discharge of a Member from a Committee. According to paragraph (1) of the Standing Order, only the parliamentary party that nominated a Member ... view
  • 23 Oct 2014 in National Assembly: the Member from the Committee. Immediately the Speaker receives the notice, the discharge of such Member takes effect immediately. view
  • 23 Oct 2014 in National Assembly: This Motion is also in accordance with Standing Order No.171 (3). Paragraph (1) of the Standing Order is about the membership of the House Business Committee. view
  • 23 Oct 2014 in National Assembly: Hon. Speaker, there are loud consultations. view
  • 23 Oct 2014 in National Assembly: Thank you, hon. Speaker. I was saying that Standing Order No.171 is about the membership of the House Business Committee. Specifically, the Standing Order says, in paragraph (3), that in nominating the Members to the House Business Committee, each parliamentary party shall include its whip into the membership of the Committee. It is in the spirit of this Standing Order that I am moving this Motion, so that the Minority Whip, hon. Mwadeghu, can be approved by this House to be able to sit in the House Business Committee. view


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