Judah ole Metito

Parties & Coalitions

Full name

Judah Katoo Ole-Metito


12th March 1973


Parliament Buildings
Parliament Rd.
P.O Box 41842 – 00100
Nairobi, Kenya








0202 848634


P. O. Box 191 Loitokitok

All parliamentary appearances

Entries 1201 to 1210 of 1895.

  • 3 Dec 2013 in National Assembly: Hon. Temporary Deputy Chairman, I want to bring to the attention of the House sub-clause 4. I want to plead with the Chairperson of the Committee. My problem is that it states in part, “---in times nationally declared as drought or other natural disasters.” You see, there could be drought in Taita Taveta County and not in any other part of the country. It is good to confine the circumstances under which sub-clause 4 will be applied, say tailor-made to specific areas. Right now I know there is a big drought in Garissa County, but it has not been declared ... view
  • 3 Dec 2013 in National Assembly: I fully agree. Let me say what I was thinking first and then you can see which one is the best. I also wanted to suggest that we delete the words “nationally declared” and replace them with the words “in times of extreme drought and other natural disasters as the case may apply” or “as requested by the local communities around”. Hon. Temporary Deputy Chairman let me give you the general view and then we can look for the words. You will find that communities live around national parks. If those communities make a request during extreme drought, they should ... view
  • 3 Dec 2013 in National Assembly: Hon. Temporary Deputy Chairman, I do not know whether I followed it well but I was thinking that for purposes of clarity, it should be ratified by the National Assembly, and not by Parliament. view
  • 3 Dec 2013 in National Assembly: Hon. Temporary Deputy Chairman, I beg to move that the Committee that doth report to the House its consideration of the Wildlife Conservation and Management Bill, and its approval thereof with amendments. view
  • 3 Dec 2013 in National Assembly: Hon. Temporary Deputy Speaker, I beg to move that the House do agree with the Committee in the said Report. view
  • 3 Dec 2013 in National Assembly: Hon. Temporary Deputy Speaker, I beg to move that the Wildlife Conservation and Management Bill (National Assembly Bill No.21 of 2013) be now read the Third Time. view
  • 28 Nov 2013 in National Assembly: Hon. Speaker, I rise to second the Motion. I would like to put it very clearly that these are voluntary exits from Committees, because of various commitments, as the Mover has said. Hon. Shebesh, having been appointed to the Pan African Parliament, and having taken the position of Speaker’s Panel, it is becoming difficult for her to make her input into the House Business Committee. So, she requested that she be replaced. Hon. (Eng.) Maalim Mahamud is the Vice-Chairman of the Committee on Transport, Public Works and Housing, as well as a Member of the House Business Committee. He could ... view
  • 28 Nov 2013 in National Assembly: It is also good to note that hon. Oscar Sudi was the only one left with only one Committee on the Jubilee side. So, this opportunity came in handy. He is now going to be sitting in a Select Committee. As the Jubilee Coalition, we are trying to regularise matters and ensure that every Member--- view
  • 28 Nov 2013 in National Assembly: Hon. Speaker, it is also good to note that these are not positions given on gender basis. Hon. Shebesh was not in the House Business Committee to represent any gender. We have the requisite gender balance in the House Business Committee. So, this has nothing to do with gender. view
  • 28 Nov 2013 in National Assembly: Hon. Speaker, that is why I said that we have gender balance in the House Business Committee. As clearly explained by the Leader of Majority Party, when hon. Opore left this House through a court ruling, the person who replaced him was not a man. It was hon. Florence Kajuju. That ensured the gender balance. view


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