Judah ole Metito

Parties & Coalitions

Full name

Judah Katoo Ole-Metito


12th March 1973


Parliament Buildings
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P.O Box 41842 – 00100
Nairobi, Kenya








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All parliamentary appearances

Entries 1301 to 1310 of 1895.

  • 1 Oct 2013 in National Assembly: Hon. Deputy Speaker, I want to propose that if today, there are still some concerns, we will ask the House Business Committee to authorise the Jubilee side of the coalition to submit their list to the Floor of the House for approval. This is because it is taking us a lot of time. Every time it is being said that this side is not ready. view
  • 1 Oct 2013 in National Assembly: Hon. Deputy Speaker, let me point out the following: First, there will be a comprehensive list to be published by the Office of the Clerk after this Motion is passed so that the current position of each and every Committee is known by all Members. This is because it has also come to our attention that some Clerks of the Committees were not sending invitation to some Members of the Committees. So, it is good that a comprehensive and most up to date list is produced today after this Motion. view
  • 1 Oct 2013 in National Assembly: Secondly, I also want to emphasize what the Leader of the Majority Party has said, the issue of the two joint committees. view
  • 1 Oct 2013 in National Assembly: Hon. Deputy Speaker, I wish Members could lower their--- view
  • 1 Oct 2013 in National Assembly: Thank you, hon. Deputy Speaker. I want to give some facts on this matter concerning Committees. The joint committees of both Houses, that is the Senate and National Assembly, were approved by the House the same day all the Departmental Committees were approved but that Committee never sat. I am sure that the hon. Member who had approached the Leader of the Majority Party saying that he is only in one Committee is in one of those joint committees. But since those joint committees never met, that Member is justified to say that he is only in one Committee. So, ... view
  • 1 Oct 2013 in National Assembly: Hon. Deputy Speaker, as it has been explained, a Member should belong to one Departmental Committee and one Select Committee but we previously had a lot of challenges because there were fewer slots than hon. Members. I want to commend some hon. Members for giving up their slots in some Committees to ensure that other hon. Members sit in two Committees. These include some hon. Members who were in the House Business Committee. view
  • 1 Oct 2013 in National Assembly: As we all know, 72 per cent of the membership of this House consists of hon. Members who are serving their first term in Parliament. The House Business Committee has never been a Committee that you can count on and say that an hon. Member sits in it, because its business is to just meet and agree on a timetable of the business to be transacted by the House. Nothing else! Nevertheless, some of its Members, who were Chairpersons of other Committees, gave up their slots in Select Committees. view
  • 1 Oct 2013 in National Assembly: Secondly, I would like to thank the hon. Members from the Jubilee Coalition side who are in the Parliamentary Service Commission (PSC) for giving up their slots in other Committees. Those hon. Members are now in only one Departmental Committee each despite the fact that each one of them is entitled to be in a Departmental Committee and a Select Committee. The hon. Members who are in the Speaker’s Panel, namely, hon. Cheboi and hon. Rachael Shebesh, have also given up their Select Committee slots. They are now in only one Departmental Committee. In fact, hon. Shebesh has even given ... view
  • 1 Oct 2013 in National Assembly: Hon. Deputy Speaker, I want to talk about two Committees, namely, the Powers and Privileges Committee, and the Committee on Procedure and House Rules. These Committees never met in the entire life of the Tenth Parliament. I do not see any reason as to why the Powers and Privileges Committee should meet in the life of this Parliament. The Committee meets only if one of the hon. Members of this House is supposed to be disciplined. Since we were told by the Speaker in the Tenth Parliament that we were a disciplined lot of Members, this Committee did not meet. ... view
  • 1 Oct 2013 in National Assembly: Therefore, Members of the Procedure and House Rules Committee are just there in case there is need to review the Standing Orders. Otherwise, they do not meet. So, it is not a Committee you can say that somebody belongs to. The reason as to why I am explaining this is that I have noted a tendency in this House that when one’s name appears in these inactive Committees, in addition to being in another active Committee, some hon. Members feel that he is in many Committees. The Committee on Appointments only meets when His Excellency the President makes appointments to ... view


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