Judah ole Metito

Parties & Coalitions

Full name

Judah Katoo Ole-Metito


12th March 1973


Parliament Buildings
Parliament Rd.
P.O Box 41842 – 00100
Nairobi, Kenya








0202 848634


P. O. Box 191 Loitokitok

All parliamentary appearances

Entries 1431 to 1440 of 1895.

  • 26 Jun 2012 in National Assembly: I want to urge TSC to focus on market-oriented curriculum and come up with courses that are going to help students. People should now focus on specialization on certain factors rather than taking--- You find a kid reading 14 subjects in primary level or all the 12 subjects at the secondary level. We should really start specialization at lower stage. I think TSC will make market oriented curriculum that is going to be used all the way down from the basic education. view
  • 26 Jun 2012 in National Assembly: The issue of giving TSC the function to manage the payroll of teachers is also very important. It will streamline all the issues that have been there before and all the agreements that have been made between the teachers and the Government. They have an independent constitutional Commission that is going to manage the payroll and whole welfare of teachers. I think we are moving in the right direction. That is a good function. Above all, it is very important that the Commission has been given a very clear mandate to facilitate career progression. I think this is going to ... view
  • 26 Jun 2012 in National Assembly: Mr. Deputy Speaker, Sir, if you look at Part III of the Bill, it is very important in terms of discipline. Generally, it talks about discipline in the teaching profession. I think many have talked about the discipline of teachers. I am happy that if you look at the Third Schedule, the Bill has analyzed some of the disciplinary offences. But I was just concerned about some of them such as negligence of duty, lateness to duty, chronic absenteeism, desertion and drunkenness. Those are some of the offences that have been highlighted. This calls for what my colleagues have talked ... view
  • 26 Jun 2012 in National Assembly: So, Mr. Deputy Speaker, Sir, those are some of the very good clauses in the Bill. But I have some issues that I would like the Minister to clarify at the Committee Stage. One is Clause 8 of the Bill which deals with the procedure for nominations and appointments of the selection panel. Clause 8(2)(b) says:- view
  • 26 Jun 2012 in National Assembly: “the Cabinet Secretary in the Ministry responsible for matters relating to education or his representative;” view
  • 26 Jun 2012 in National Assembly: Clause 8(2)(f) further says:- view
  • 26 Jun 2012 in National Assembly: “two persons, one man and one woman, nominated by the Cabinet Secretary representing the interest of registered teachers.” I think that is the same office. Clarification is required here. I would propose that maybe he should say “two persons; one man and one woman, nominated by trade unions representing the interest of registered teachers.” This is because they are being nominated by the Cabinet Secretary responsible for education. In sub-clause (b), it is the same Cabinet Secretary doing nomination. This needs to be clarified. view
  • 26 Jun 2012 in National Assembly: Mr. Deputy Speaker Sir, Clause 13(5) is also not clear. Hon. Members should check on what that committee is, because the Bill says:- “In addition to the committees established under subsection (1), the Commission shall constitute a consultative committee on the terms and conditions of service of registered teachers.” Mr. Deputy Speaker, Sir, I think it is the Salaries and Remuneration Commission that will look into the terms and conditions of service of all state officers. If you look at that clause and then you look at Clause 37(2), it is the same thing. It says:- view
  • 26 Jun 2012 in National Assembly: “The staff of the Commission recruited by the Commission under Article 252(1)(c) of the Constitution shall serve on such terms and conditions as the Commission, in consultation with the Salaries and Remuneration Commission.” view
  • 26 Jun 2012 in National Assembly: Mr. Deputy Speaker, Sir, it is actually the same thing. view


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