Judah ole Metito

Parties & Coalitions

Full name

Judah Katoo Ole-Metito


12th March 1973


Parliament Buildings
Parliament Rd.
P.O Box 41842 – 00100
Nairobi, Kenya








0202 848634


P. O. Box 191 Loitokitok

All parliamentary appearances

Entries 1461 to 1470 of 1895.

  • 8 May 2012 in National Assembly: Thank you, Mr. Temporary Deputy Speaker, Sir. I also want to take this opportunity from the outset, to support the Motion and thank the Parliamentary Committee for a job well done. view
  • 8 May 2012 in National Assembly: Mr. Temporary Deputy Speaker, Sir, from the outset, I really want to appreciate the fact that the Committee took cognisance of the ruling of the East African Court of Justice that sits in Arusha. The ruling was made as a result of our last nomination or election or fiasco with respect to Kenyan Members to the current EALA. view
  • 8 May 2012 in National Assembly: Mr. Temporary Deputy Speaker, Sir, when the Committee realized or took cognisance of the court ruling, they have tried their best to avoid the embarrassment. The Kenya Government and the people of Kenya were really embarrassed with respect to the procedure that was followed in the election of the current EALA Members, Kenyan Chapter. The Committee did so by trying to make the process more consultative. They made it public. They invited public views and I am happy that they also invited some who have served in our Assembly in Arusha. I think it was more transparent and more inclusive. view
  • 8 May 2012 in National Assembly: Mr. Temporary Deputy Speaker, Sir, I just want to say a few things about the East African Community. The EAC’s main objectives are to enhance, advocate and solidify social, economic and political gains of the diverse cultural and shades of opinions of the people of EAC. It is good that those interests are taken care of. I want to say that, as we go through the process of nominating and eventually electing those who will represent Kenya in that Assembly, we really must take cognisance and a lot of consideration on those objectives. We must take cognisance of our different ... view
  • 8 May 2012 in National Assembly: Mr. Temporary Deputy Speaker, Sir, as much as we do that, the ruling of the East African Court of Justice with respect to our last election to EALA said that elections in the Kenya National Assembly did not follow procedure. There was no election but rather appointment by the Government House Business Committee. I think we should also try to be very careful because we do not want controversial election. We must have confidence in the process of electing people who will represent Kenya in the East African Legislative Assembly. We cannot achieve this if we repeat the process of ... view
  • 8 May 2012 in National Assembly: Mr. Temporary Deputy Speaker, Sir, that is why I want to believe, and it is my submission that we should not really do this election of members to the EALA by acclamation. I really do not agree with that. As much as we do not do it by acclamation, we should not also do by just mere appointment by political parties, then they are taken to the House Business Committee, then the Leader of Government Business just tables it as a statement on the Floor of the House. I think that is the route we went last time and that ... view
  • 8 May 2012 in National Assembly: Mr. Temporary Deputy Speaker, Sir, we must also be up to the task. We must be honorable to really give the process credibility and to give those who will represent this country confidence. That can only be done through an election. The only thing I want to agree with hon. Mungatana is Rule 12(1) whereby those nominated are allowed to seek for votes from among the hon. Members of this House. I really want to agree with him that, that will give bad publicity. It will give a bad image to the process. But I want to believe that the ... view
  • 8 May 2012 in National Assembly: There is nothing wrong with those would be Members of EALA really to campaign among their party structures. Even if campaigning among the MPs of their parties; there is nothing wrong. But they should not be seen in the corridors of this august House really soliciting for support from hon. Members of the House. view
  • 8 May 2012 in National Assembly: Mr. Temporary Deputy Speaker, Sir, I really want to applaud the Committee for a proposal that the political parties should bring, per every slot allocated, three names. That will give us now the reason why we should do an election. This is because if they just bring nine names and then we say by acclamation “unopposed”, there will be no election. In fact, I want to say; it is not really unopposed, but there was no alternative. You know, an election should be a process whereby you are given a choice to choose from. If you we just get nine ... view
  • 8 May 2012 in National Assembly: Mr. Temporary Deputy Speaker, Sir, I want to really urge the political parties that as per Article 50 of the Treaty, where it says that you should consider regional balance, shade of opinion, gender and special interest, I believe the people who really know what is happening at the East African Community are the people who live along border of the East African Community. Therefore, it is my humble submission to the political parties to nominate people living along the border. They can nominate people from Lunga Lunga in Kwale County, Taveta in Taita Taveta County; Loitokitok, Namanga and Magadi ... view


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