Judah ole Metito

Parties & Coalitions

Full name

Judah Katoo Ole-Metito


12th March 1973


Parliament Buildings
Parliament Rd.
P.O Box 41842 – 00100
Nairobi, Kenya








0202 848634


P. O. Box 191 Loitokitok

All parliamentary appearances

Entries 1481 to 1490 of 1895.

  • 16 Feb 2012 in National Assembly: Mr. Temporary Deputy Speaker, Sir, I agree with that, but I do not agree with Section 41(3) all the way to (6) which provides that once a motion has sailed through asking the governor to dismiss a member of the executive committee, he then forms another committee to investigate. I do not think it is fair to again form a committee to investigate, like what is anticipated in Clause 3 that the County Assembly shall appoint a select committee comprising of five members to investigate the matter. You then bring that report to the County Assembly and ask it to ... view
  • 16 Feb 2012 in National Assembly: Finally before I sit down, there is the issue of the County Assembly raising taxes and revenues to top up the 15 per cent that will come from the National Assembly. I know we have resources in this country that will fall under the County Governments while others will fall under the national government, but it will be very good to have a national resource, but the county government in which that national resource is found should have a share of the revenue that is generated from that resource. I have in mind national parks, for instance, Amboseli National Park ... view
  • 16 Feb 2012 in National Assembly: With those few remarks, I beg to support. view
  • 15 Feb 2012 in National Assembly: Thank you very much, Mr. Temporary Deputy Speaker, Sir, for giving me this opportunity to support this Motion. I want to thank the Mover, Dr. Otichilo, for bringing this Motion to the Floor of the House. This is one Motion that the House should follow up, so that the Government implements its resolutions. Mr. Temporary Deputy Speaker, Sir, the basis of any socioeconomic survey on poverty alleviation is household income and expenditure trends. The parameters that include education, environment, aridity of the land, local and foreign investment, natural resources, land use system, level of literacy among others, are really very ... view
  • 15 Feb 2012 in National Assembly: Mr. Temporary Deputy Speaker, Sir, another thing is the types of questions asked. When you are trying to look for an objective in a survey, you should ask questions that will add value to the ultimate objective of the survey. view
  • 15 Feb 2012 in National Assembly: Another thing is the timeframe for carrying out the poverty survey. We know that a national census survey is always done after every ten years. Even if the time frame for doing poverty survey was ten years, another poverty survey is due given that the last poverty survey was done in 2005. Most importantly, I wish to ask the team to take into account several factors, including the diversity of the people and the economic trends in rural and urban areas. Mr. Temporary Deputy Speaker, Sir, when we were trying to create new constituencies, we considered the outcome of the ... view
  • 21 Dec 2011 in National Assembly: Mr. Deputy Speaker, Sir, I stand to support the Motion. In supporting the Motion, I will not talk about the Bill which is not before this House. I will talk about issues that are so dear to my constituents, namely, devolution. We all know that we are now moving towards devolution. That is where resources will be based. That is where the development of our counties will be based. It is important that this Government gets right the criteria that it is going to use to allocate and distribute those resources. Just recently, the Commission on Revenue Allocation (CRA) published ... view
  • 21 Dec 2011 in National Assembly: Mr. Deputy Speaker, Sir, I stand to support the Motion. In supporting the Motion, I will not talk about the Bill which is not before this House. I will talk about issues that are so dear to my constituents, namely, devolution. We all know that we are now moving towards devolution. That is where resources will be based. That is where the development of our counties will be based. It is important that this Government gets right the criteria that it is going to use to allocate and distribute those resources. Just recently, the Commission on Revenue Allocation (CRA) published ... view
  • 21 Dec 2011 in National Assembly: Mr. Deputy Speaker, Sir, I stand to support the Motion. In supporting the Motion, I will not talk about the Bill which is not before this House. I will talk about issues that are so dear to my constituents, namely, devolution. We all know that we are now moving towards devolution. That is where resources will be based. That is where the development of our counties will be based. It is important that this Government gets right the criteria that it is going to use to allocate and distribute those resources. Just recently, the Commission on Revenue Allocation (CRA) published ... view
  • 21 Dec 2011 in National Assembly: Mr. Deputy Speaker, Sir, I stand to support the Motion. In supporting the Motion, I will not talk about the Bill which is not before this House. I will talk about issues that are so dear to my constituents, namely, devolution. We all know that we are now moving towards devolution. That is where resources will be based. That is where the development of our counties will be based. It is important that this Government gets right the criteria that it is going to use to allocate and distribute those resources. Just recently, the Commission on Revenue Allocation (CRA) published ... view


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