Judah ole Metito

Parties & Coalitions

Full name

Judah Katoo Ole-Metito


12th March 1973


Parliament Buildings
Parliament Rd.
P.O Box 41842 – 00100
Nairobi, Kenya








0202 848634


P. O. Box 191 Loitokitok

All parliamentary appearances

Entries 1551 to 1560 of 1895.

  • 24 Aug 2011 in National Assembly: Mr. Deputy Speaker, Sir, I just want to inform the House that the Departmental Committee on Agriculture, Livestock and Cooperatives and the Departmental Committee on Energy, Communications and Information have been handling this matter. Maybe, we need to know the progress. However, it is not the first time they have been handling the issue between KenGen and KVDA. view
  • 24 Aug 2011 in National Assembly: Mr. Temporary Deputy Speaker, Sir, I also stand to support this Bill. I want to go straight to my areas of concern. Clause 27, about the fundraising eight months preceding a general election, this, as hon. Munya has said, needs to be classified as to what kind of fundraising or H arambees are referred to, because some of them are very important because of the need to help wananchi . view
  • 24 Aug 2011 in National Assembly: Clauses 29, 30, 31 and 32 need to be harmonized with the Political Parties Bill that we passed yesterday; this is because we allowed party hopping; you can leave a party at a short notice. Therefore, being told that your supporters must have been members of that political party three months before is really inconsistent with what we passed yesterday; that is in Clauses 29,30,31 and 32. In Clause 31 we said that a political party may appoint an agent and there will be no agent for individuals or individual candidates; they will all be party agents. Under Clause 32(3) ... view
  • 24 Aug 2011 in National Assembly: Mr. Temporary Deputy Speaker, Sir, on Clause 44 everybody has talked about participation in elections by public officers. We need to clarify about those public officers who aspire to vie for positions during the forthcoming elections. What will be the time for resignation? When do they have to resign in order to participate in elections? Again, Clause 44(d) does not allow a public officer to:- “use public resources to initiate new development projects in any constituency or county three months before an election in that constituency or county.” Take, for instance, the issue of civil servants who are serving and ... view
  • 24 Aug 2011 in National Assembly: Mr. Temporary Deputy Speaker, Sir, Clause 46 talks about the right to recall a Member of Parliament. I entirely agree with the previous speakers, that those conditions are not realistic. But more importantly, we have talked of recall of Members of Parliament. We should also talk of recall of County Assembly Members and Governors. As said by many hon. Members, these conditions are not realistic. Clause 47(1) talks about petition for recall. It says:- “A recall under section 46 shall be initiated by a petition in writing signed by a petitioner who is a voter in that constituency or county ... view
  • 23 Aug 2011 in National Assembly: Thank you, Mr. Temporary Deputy Sir. In order to avoid repetition, I want to go directly to some Clauses in support of this Bill. I am very happy because, first of all, this Bill will involve citizens in the management of police affairs. That will make it more transparent, accountable, efficient and effective in its role of serving wananchi . Clause 29 is on the term of the Director of CID. It is five years and not renewable. That is very commendable. Clause 41(d) is on the issue of the Chairman of the County Security Committee. I have not seen ... view
  • 23 Aug 2011 in National Assembly: Mr. Temporary Deputy Speaker, Sir, finally, I want to comment on Schedule VIII on offences against discipline. This Bill will be very important in enforcing discipline within the police force. Some of the offences against discipline really need not to be disciplinary actions; they should be criminal offences. If you look at element one of Schedule 8, it talks of “an unlawful strike”. I do not know whether there is “lawful strike” with respect to the National Police Service. If you take into account Clause 93, they will not be eligible to join any trade union. I do not think ... view
  • 23 Aug 2011 in National Assembly: With those few remarks, I beg to support. view
  • 31 May 2011 in National Assembly: Mr. Chairman, Sir, I also stand to oppose the amendment. We are just duplicating. Article 89(7) of the Constitution says:- “In reviewing constituency and ward boundaries, the Commission shall- (a) consult all interested parties”. So, definitely the Bill is just shortening the fact that the Commission will do its work pursuant to Article 89(7). So, it is a repetition. I oppose the amendment. view
  • 31 May 2011 in National Assembly: Mr. Chairman, Sir, mine was a contribution on the original amendment by the Committee. Let me just say something before the amendment on the amendment is moved by Prof. Anyang-Nyong’. I want to support the amendment by the Committee that Clause 4 be deleted. If you refer to the HANSARD, Clause 5(4) of the Bill which was actually debated for a record six days, most of the contributions were on the functions of the secretariat and the selection panel. It is because we wanted to get an office that is responsible for election matters. We wanted to make it very ... view


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