Judah ole Metito

Parties & Coalitions

Full name

Judah Katoo Ole-Metito


12th March 1973


Parliament Buildings
Parliament Rd.
P.O Box 41842 – 00100
Nairobi, Kenya








0202 848634


P. O. Box 191 Loitokitok

All parliamentary appearances

Entries 1811 to 1820 of 1895.

  • 7 May 2008 in National Assembly: Thank you, Mr. Deputy Speaker, Sir, for giving me this opportunity. I would like to support the Motion as amended. First, I would like to thank both the Mover of the Motion and the Mover of the amendment for thinking it wise to look into this very important sector of our society, that is, farming. They have gone beyond the post election violence and tried to widen up what the Motion is talking about. The AFC is supposed to cater for two categories of farmers. These are the crop farmers and the livestock farmers. There is a problem here in ... view
  • 7 May 2008 in National Assembly: Mr. Deputy Speaker, Sir, I was talking about the need to write off the AFC loans owed by both crop and livestock farmers. Farmers lost a lot of livestock last year due to Rift Valley Fever. Right now, there is another disease which is killing a lot of livestock. Our livestock was our security against which the AFC gave us loans. The underlying factor of repayment of AFC loans is the weather condition. The weather condition has affected both crop and livestock farmers. Mr. Deputy Speaker, Sir, there is also the issue of allocation. Nowadays, the Government allocates money to ... view
  • 30 Apr 2008 in National Assembly: Mr. Temporary Deputy Speaker, Sir, thank you for giving me the opportunity to contribute to this Motion. From the outset, I want to support this Motion. First, I would like to take this opportunity to congratulate the Minister for Finance and his team of able staff for having done well in that Ministry. For the last five years the economy has been growing. It has been very impressive. I know that it is because of the tireless efforts by the able Minister and his able team in the Treasury. Even in this very situation and circumstances in our country after ... view
  • 23 Apr 2008 in National Assembly: Thank you very much, Madam Temporary Deputy Speaker, for giving me this opportunity to contribute to this Motion. From the outset, I want to support the recommendations and the adoption of the Reports. Madam Temporary Deputy Speaker, the Reports adopted by this House yesterday for the years 2000/2001 and 2001/2002 are actually not different from the reports that we are debating right now. The recommendations and findings are the same. What is actually lacking is just the implementation. We have heard these recommendations year in, year out. We have heard about corrupt and even irregular allocations in all the past ... view
  • 23 Apr 2008 in National Assembly: Mr. Deputy Speaker, Sir, I also rise to support this Motion. A lot has been said about the similarities and the differences between the two processes, the process of acquiring an identity card and that of acquiring a voter's card. Let me just have a quick look at the those two processes. First, I believe that a voter's card is free. Secondly, its issuance is regular, continuous and is known. The Electoral Commission of Kenya (ECK) always undertakes registration every month of May of the year, that is from 1st to 31st of that month. The places of issuance are ... view
  • 23 Apr 2008 in National Assembly: Mr. Temporary Deputy Speaker, Sir, a lot has been said about the savings that the Government is going to make in terms saving time, documentation materials and even money. I want to say that the other problem with identity cards is the availability of the application forms. I remember that at one time we were told on the Floor of this House that application forms were prepared in France. I am a computer person and I was wondering if that could not be done in Kenya. People like saying that documents are prepared abroad due to security reasons, but I ... view
  • 25 Mar 2008 in National Assembly: Mr. Speaker, Sir, I want to seek two clarifications from the Minister. First, the Kenya National Examinations Council (KNEC) cancelled results of some students based on allegations of examination cheating. The integrity of the KNEC is now in question since they also cheated students by giving them false results. Can the Minister consider waiving the cancellation of those results? Whether the students cheated in the examinations or not is no longer a valid point. Secondly, some students sat for the examinations and they did not receive any results. They were recorded as being absent. Others never sat for the examinations ... view
  • 20 Mar 2008 in National Assembly: On a point of order, Mr. Speaker, Sir. I want to request for a Ministerial Statement from the Ministry of Education on a matter of national importance. The Kenya Certificate of Secondary Education (KCSE) examination results have really created a lot of confusion in the country. I would like the Minister for Education to clarify to the nation on the Floor of this House the correct position of last year's Form Four examination results. As we have seen, some students have received two different examination results. They have been asked to return the first results to the schools. I do ... view
  • 12 Mar 2008 in National Assembly: Thank you, Mr. Speaker, Sir, for giving me this opportunity to support this Motion. My constituency is Loitokitok and I should take this early 74 PARLIAMENTARY DEBATES March 12, 2008 opportunity to thank the people of Loitokitok for re-electing me and giving me a chance to represent them in this Tenth Parliament for the second time. In support of this Motion, I would like to comment on what the previous speaker, Mr. Ruto said. He said that the signing of this accord and the formation of this grand coalition is not about positions. I want to agree with him and ... view
  • 12 Mar 2008 in National Assembly: Mr. Temporary Deputy Speaker, Sir, it is normally very easy out there in our constituencies for Members of Parliament to point out that this Government has done this and this and say that if they were in Government they would have done this and this. Now that we are all in the Government, there is no excuse why we should not give Kenyans the best services they have ever had. I would like to request my colleagues that if this coming together is not about positions, then we should really take this opportunity, not to try and get positions in ... view


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