Judah ole Metito

Parties & Coalitions

Full name

Judah Katoo Ole-Metito


12th March 1973


Parliament Buildings
Parliament Rd.
P.O Box 41842 – 00100
Nairobi, Kenya








0202 848634


P. O. Box 191 Loitokitok

All parliamentary appearances

Entries 391 to 400 of 1895.

  • 4 Oct 2016 in National Assembly: Finally, it is good that we take KQ as a national airline and national officials like public servants are required to fly the national airline to their destinations if the airline serves the route. view
  • 4 Oct 2016 in National Assembly: I support the comments raised by my colleagues. view
  • 20 Sep 2016 in National Assembly: Thank you, Hon. Speaker. I stand to second this Motion which is important for the economy of this country. view
  • 20 Sep 2016 in National Assembly: I am not seconding, but supporting because it has already been seconded. Thank you for the correction. The electronic version of the Official Hansard Report is for information purposesonly. A certified version of this Report can be obtained from the Hansard Editor. view
  • 20 Sep 2016 in National Assembly: This is an important Motion for the economy of this country. One of the global challenges that we are facing right now in our country is the high rate of unemployment. Many Kenyan youth leave institutions of higher learning, but unfortunately, the job market cannot absorb the numbers that graduate every year. The few that are absorbed, a majority of them are absorbed by the sector we are discussing, namely, the private sector. As the Mover has said, about four million jobs are at stake if we, as a House, do not ratify this Agreement. A sector that creates four ... view
  • 20 Sep 2016 in National Assembly: to Tanzania and business comes from Tanzania. I want to plead with them that we move together in the same direction and ratify the same agreement. It is good, as the Mover has said, that in the region it is only Kenya that is classified by the EU as a developing nation. There are about 44 countries plus the other four EA countries, that is a total of 48 countries, classified as low-developed countries that have full free access to the EU market. Even if we do not ratify this Agreement, our neighbours will not be affected. But I think ... view
  • 1 Sep 2016 in National Assembly: Thank you, Hon. Speaker. I must confess that I have just seen this Bill. I am not convinced that we should support it as a House for the following reasons. Just look at Clause 20 of this Bill. We should not support it in the current form. Clause 20 states that an elected or nominated Member of Parliament or a County Assembly shall not participate in a fundraising function or conduct a fundraising activity during his or her term as a Member of Parliament. Clause 20 (2) states that a person who contravenes the provisions of this section shall be ... view
  • 1 Sep 2016 in National Assembly: Thank you, Hon. Speaker. I must confess that I have just seen this Bill. I am not convinced that we should support it as a House for the following reasons. Just look at Clause 20 of this Bill. We should not support it in the current form. Clause 20 states that an elected or nominated Member of Parliament or a County Assembly shall not participate in a fundraising function or conduct a fundraising activity during his or her term as a Member of Parliament. Clause 20 (2) states that a person who contravenes the provisions of this section shall be ... view
  • 1 Sep 2016 in National Assembly: Thank you, Hon. Deputy Speaker. I rise to support this Motion. A lot has been said by Members. I would not labour so much on it. I would just pick six points. One is the importance of this cooperation if this House ratifies it. There would be the transfer of skills mostly on security issues. As we allow the security officers from the UK to train in our country, they will also do the same for our KDF officers in their country. That will bring the transfer of knowledge and skills which are very important on security issues. The electronic ... view
  • 1 Sep 2016 in National Assembly: Two, no country is an island. This world has become a global village. Therefore, as much as we collaborate on such issues, it would enhance the cooperation on so many issues. One is on security issues. Now that we have terrorism as a global threat, such engagements between the security forces of more than one country will make it easy for each country to come in aid of one another in terms of security-related issues and in terms of help and cooperation. Therefore, this engagement enhances cooperation on security issues. Three, as I said earlier, the complementary thing of exchange ... view


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