Judah ole Metito

Parties & Coalitions

Full name

Judah Katoo Ole-Metito


12th March 1973


Parliament Buildings
Parliament Rd.
P.O Box 41842 – 00100
Nairobi, Kenya








0202 848634


P. O. Box 191 Loitokitok

All parliamentary appearances

Entries 381 to 390 of 1895.

  • 12 Oct 2016 in National Assembly: Hon. Temporary Deputy Speaker, I second. view
  • 12 Oct 2016 in National Assembly: Thank you, Hon. Temporary Deputy Speaker. This is a very important Bill. It has attracted contribution from many Members. I think I am the 24th Member contributing now. Going by an average of 10 minutes per Member, that adds up to exactly four hours. I think by the end of this debate, we will have done great justice to this Bill. Let me raise some concerns that the Departmental Committee on Education, Research and Technology needs to consider as we move to the Third Reading of the Bill. Education centre has been defined as a public or a private early ... view
  • 12 Oct 2016 in National Assembly: The Bill also says that for one to qualify to be an ECDE teacher, one must have a diploma and must be registered by the TSC. The TSC does not register ECDE teachers. Clause 6 of the Bill is contradictory. It says that county governments shall provide free and compulsory ECDE. That contradicts Clause 33(2)(e), which says that the functions of the Parents Teachers Association (PTA) will be among other things, discussing and recommending charges to be levied on children or parents. Clause 39 is a duplicate of Clause 48. The Committee should look into that. Clause 39 of the ... view
  • 12 Oct 2016 in National Assembly: Hon. Temporary Deputy Speaker, if the relevant Committee can go through the HANSARD, they will see what Members have said. They can pick out the contradictory provisions. Clause 22 of the Bill is very good because it ensures that there is transparency and accountability. It says that for a centre to be registered, the premises must be monitored and supervised by the relevant authority. You earlier on mentioned outsourcing, but in some cases, individuals outsource premises for registration purposes. Once the centre is registered, it is relocated to its old premises. Regular monitoring through the quality assurance officer will solve ... view
  • 12 Oct 2016 in National Assembly: Although it says that they will agree on the payment in consultation with the Salaries and Remuneration Commission (SRC), the best thing is to have them registered under the TSC, then, they will be paid equally like the rest. The electronic version of the Official Hansard Report is for information purposesonly. A certified version of this Report can be obtained from the Hansard Editor. view
  • 12 Oct 2016 in National Assembly: On the issue of having a provisional registration for ECDE teachers, it should be noted that ECDE is just for three years. So, the interim registration should not go beyond six months. view
  • 6 Oct 2016 in National Assembly: Thank you, Hon. Speaker. I rise to second the Policy Paper on the National Policy on Elimination of Child Labour. It is almost the same thing we have just concluded under Motion No.10 on the Sessional Paper on the National Children Policy. Nevertheless, let me just highlight some of the key issues on this Policy Paper. First of all, I like the vision. It is very clear. It says; “to have a child labour free society”. The policy objectives are four. They are:- (i) to eliminate all forms of child labour; (ii) to establish and maintain an up-to-date and reliable ... view
  • 6 Oct 2016 in National Assembly: jobs respectively. However, out of that, Sub-Saharan Africa has 25.3 per cent. This is a very big percentage. In Kenya, child labour has always been characterised by exploitative and hazardous work conditions. It is manifested in long hours of work, little or no pay for services rendered, physical and sexual abuse, trafficking and exposure to hazardous chemicals. Some of the children involved in child labour also perform tasks which are either inappropriate or beyond their capabilities. In most cases, the conditions under which children work are not only unregulated but also infeasible. Therefore, this Policy Paper tends to regulate all ... view
  • 4 Oct 2016 in National Assembly: Thank you, Hon. Temporary Deputy Speaker. Because of time constraints, I want to very quickly agree that there are some management issues at KQ. It is a national airline and we should look at the causes of the losses. It is also important that those who caused the downfall of KQ are investigated further with a view to taking appropriate action against them. The issues to be looked into include management decisions relating to the pricing strategy to establish whether it is competitive in the market compared to other airlines, the cost of operations and procurement of consumables to see ... view
  • 4 Oct 2016 in National Assembly: other airlines and very importantly, whether the strategic alliance between KLM and KQ has value or not. In any alliance like the one between KQ and KLM, why would one partner make profit while the other is going under? In University, I did a paper on the influences of the characteristics, challenges and strategic alliances on firm performances and I thought of taking KQ and KLM partnership as a case study, but I opted for another one. view


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