Judah ole Metito

Parties & Coalitions

Full name

Judah Katoo Ole-Metito


12th March 1973


Parliament Buildings
Parliament Rd.
P.O Box 41842 – 00100
Nairobi, Kenya








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P. O. Box 191 Loitokitok

All parliamentary appearances

Entries 621 to 630 of 1895.

  • 3 Dec 2015 in National Assembly: The same Part II also provides for the appointment of the Director-General of the Service and the staff. The staff include uniformed and discipline forces of the Service. In the same part, we have the establishment of the Kenya Forestry College. It also provides for the appointment of honorary foresters. Finally, the Bill also establishes forest conservation areas under Part II. I am happy this morning because the House debated Sessional Papers on wetlands and forests are some of them in terms of conservation of the environment. It has also come up with management committees to protect forest areas. It ... view
  • 3 Dec 2015 in National Assembly: It is important to note that forestry or generally vegetation requires a lot of research. The Bill establishes the framework for doing research. This is an ongoing thing. The proposed Kenya Forestry College will be a valuable addition in the Government effort to properly manage our forest resources. There is going to be a well-equipped institution of learning, specifically on forestry issues. It will also have to undertake a lot of research. Currently, we have some institutions which do a lot of forestry research, but this is integrated with other courses like wildlife and conservation management. Some of our students ... view
  • 3 Dec 2015 in National Assembly: In Moi University and at the University of Nairobi, we have departments that deal with forestry as a unit which is integrated with other big courses. The Kenya Forestry College is going to be a standalone institution majoring specifically on forestry research and forestry issues. Part III of the Bill deals with financial provisions. It provides for the finances and sources of funds for the Service, the annual estimate accounts, audit of the finances of the Service and the Forest Conservation and Management Trust Fund. It is important for Members to be keen on this Forest Conservation and Management Trust ... view
  • 3 Dec 2015 in National Assembly: also provides for the creation and management of public, community and private forests and provides the variation of the boundaries or the revocation of the status of public forests as well as the declaration or reversal of provincial forests. The Constitution gives the State the leeway to vary a public land into a private land or vice-versa although with a laid-down procedure. So, even this Bill is outlining the procedure on how that variation from one category to the other should be done. There is also a provision for the exchange of forest areas for public forests where you may ... view
  • 3 Dec 2015 in National Assembly: have seen many quarries coming up here and there. At times they are emerging in forest or protected areas. The Bill provides very well that there is need to get consent from the KFS. You need its consent when you want to conduct quarrying operations in public forests. This is for the preparation and implementation of forest management plans because there will be management plans for forests in this country. That will entail the five water towers like the Mau Forest and others. If any human activity, including quarrying or encroachment of forest is going to interfere with the forest ... view
  • 3 Dec 2015 in National Assembly: improve it. The part on trade prohibits trade in restricted forest produce, which include endangered specifies of trees or forest products. In order to protect endangered forest species, trading on such produce is restricted. There is need for enforcement and compliance to these restrictions. This is explained under Part VIII of the Bill. As I said earlier on, some employees of the Kenya Forest Service are uniformed while others are not. The uniformed employees are meant for enforcement of the provisions of the Act. The forest sector needs enforcement agents. The enforcement officers must be given teeth within the provision ... view
  • 3 Dec 2015 in National Assembly: Thank you Hon. Speaker. I beg to second the Motion for extension of time. This Bill is one of those with constitutional timelines. If you look at all the amendments, with the exception of about two or three, they are all from the Committee, save for the ones by Hon. Mwaura. There will not be much debate because the Committee has represented this House by bringing the amendments. Let us be a little patient. We might even finish within the time allocated. I beg to second. view
  • 3 Dec 2015 in National Assembly: Hon. Temporary Deputy Chairman, you have said it all. I wanted to bring to the attention of the House that it is only the Mover, who is the Chairman of the Departmental Committee on Lands, who can propose a further amendment. This is very clear. If I do not receive a reply within two days, I will take it to mean that permission has been granted. We plead with the Chair to think of a timeframe of about 60 days. view
  • 3 Dec 2015 in National Assembly: I want to help my colleague. I know he is a good lawyer. Even the Constitution is express that all official communication should be in writing. view
  • 3 Dec 2015 in National Assembly: Hon. Temporary Deputy Chairman, I am seeking a clarification from the Mover. If you look at part (f), the Chief of the Defence Forces or designated representative, surely, what is the role of the Chief of Defence Forces in this National Physical Planning Liaison Committee? view


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