Judah ole Metito

Parties & Coalitions

Full name

Judah Katoo Ole-Metito


12th March 1973


Parliament Buildings
Parliament Rd.
P.O Box 41842 – 00100
Nairobi, Kenya








0202 848634


P. O. Box 191 Loitokitok

All parliamentary appearances

Entries 861 to 870 of 1895.

  • 1 Apr 2015 in National Assembly: Thank you, hon. Deputy Speaker. Hon. Angwenyi is also talking of age. He qualifies. Hon. Deputy Speaker, I stand to support the Motion. I want to talk on four points that the President talked about; namely, the economy, the issue of public participation and governance, democracy and rule of law and some few projects, just to highlight the very important projects that the Jubilee Administration has done in the last two years. The President said that we are a non-mineral based economy. However, for the last two years, the Jubilee Administration has tried its best to diversify and balance the ... view
  • 1 Apr 2015 in National Assembly: budgeting cycle and in the appointments of high ranking State officers through the vetting process, during which they send memoranda to Parliament, or participate through elected leaders. Public participation in governance has really increased, thanks to our new Constitution. However, credit should also go to the President and his administration for not curtailing it and always trying their best to improve public participation. The third issue was about democracy and the rule of law. It has really deepened. This is also a fruit of the new Constitution. As the President said, we are trying to secure our basic rights and ... view
  • 1 Apr 2015 in National Assembly: people of this country ought to know. We commend His Excellency the President and his Administration for that. From March 2013 when the Jubilee Administration was elected into office to now, users of electricity have increased by a whopping 41 per cent. That is in two years. I want to believe that we will reach 90 per cent in terms of users‟ connectivity to electricity by the end of this first term of the Jubilee Administration if we continue with such an increase. Finally, on electricity, this administration of His Excellency Uhuru Kenyatta has also gone to geothermal production. We ... view
  • 1 Apr 2015 in National Assembly: . One more thing is about employment. When the economy grows, it is expected to create more jobs. Therefore, we would like to see a bigger percentage of the youth getting jobs as we move forward. That will expand our economy in the country and if we get our youths getting into the job market, issues like insecurity, radicalisation, drug abuse and other negative behaviour will come down. Therefore, all of us and especially this House should support the Government in bringing legislation that will make the environment conducive for growth of the economy, wealth creation and creation of employment ... view
  • 25 Mar 2015 in National Assembly: Thank you, hon. Speaker. I rise to support this Bill. A lot has been said about this Bill. My main issue is mostly on one item, namely the Equalisation Fund. This Fund has been allocated Kshs6 billion in this Bill. First of all, I support the proposal for the Equalisation Fund to remain under the national Government. My concern is what is in Article 204(2) of the Constitution which says:- “(2). The national Government shall use the Equalisation Fund only to provide basic services including water, roads, health facilities and electricity to marginalised areas to the extent necessary to bring ... view
  • 25 Mar 2015 in National Assembly: ) either directly or indirectly through conditional grants to counties in which marginalised communities exist”. It talks about counties in which marginalised communities exist. My issue is with the Commission on Revenue Allocation (CRA). Their survey on which counties should benefit was not fair. If you look at the arid and semi-arid lands (ASAL), some of the counties are being left out. For instance, my Kajiado County was not included in the criteria used by the CRA. Many other counties have been left out, which is quite unfair. For instance, we always see counties like Baringo County being on relief ... view
  • 25 Mar 2015 in National Assembly: with modalities on which this Fund should be disbursed, I want to ask the CRA to relook and review the criteria used. It should base the qualification on the smallest unit of development even if it is a ward or a constituency, but not to generalise on a county. Still on the ASAL areas, the issue of food security has been a national problem. We have been experiencing below average rains, increased food prices and conflicts. These have contributed to about 15 per cent increase in the number of people requiring food assistance. In the coming financial year’s Budget, it ... view
  • 25 Mar 2015 in National Assembly: Thank you, hon. Temporary Deputy Chairman. I really sympathise with my good friend, hon. Midiwo. He is a ranking hon. Member of this House. His concerns are very important; unfortunately, the procedure has really taken us to the other The electronic version of the Official Hansard Report is for information purposesonly. A certified version of this Report can be obtained from the Hansard Editor. view
  • 25 Mar 2015 in National Assembly: side. Amendments must be on the Order Paper two hours before we go to the Bill. However, I have a suggestion, especially on the one for purchasing instead of leasing. It was also a concern to the Mover. If it is the wish of the Committee that it should be leasing and not purchasing, it is only the Mover who can move an amendment without giving a two hours’ notice. If it is in the interest of the Committee, maybe you could allow the Chair of the Budget and Appropriations Committee to move that amendment on purchasing instead of leasing. ... view
  • 24 Mar 2015 in National Assembly: Thank you, hon. Deputy Speaker. From the outset, I stand to oppose this Motion. I had a lot to say because I know five minutes is very little. I want to start by quoting the Speaker’s ruling of 23rd July 1999. The Speaker, hon. Francis ole Kaparo, on authority of the Chairperson said this--- view


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