Judah ole Metito

Parties & Coalitions

Full name

Judah Katoo Ole-Metito


12th March 1973


Parliament Buildings
Parliament Rd.
P.O Box 41842 – 00100
Nairobi, Kenya








0202 848634


P. O. Box 191 Loitokitok

All parliamentary appearances

Entries 871 to 880 of 1895.

  • 24 Mar 2015 in National Assembly: Hon. Deputy Speaker, I was quoting the ruling of the former Speaker of Parliament, hon. ole Kaparo. He said this on the authority of the Speaker: “Unless Members give the Chairperson the authority, then the House as a whole loses the authority.” A lot has been said about the functions, responsibilities and powers of the Speaker. I want to follow up on what hon. Keynan has said. Indeed, it is the Speaker’s duty and responsibility to rise to the occasion and perform all his duties without fear or favour with a view to protect the dignity, honour and integrity of ... view
  • 24 Mar 2015 in National Assembly: there will be an opportunity to have the issues raised responded to. Now we are prosecuting matters to do with the Speaker, hon. Muturi and yet he is not here to respond. If we had called a Speaker’s Kamkunji, the issues that have been raised by the Members, especially the Mover of the Motion would have been responded to. I want to agree that there has been precedent even in Kenya. Two similar Motions were moved against the Speaker in the past. One was moved by the Leader of the Majority against hon. Kaparo. There was also an attempt in ... view
  • 24 Mar 2015 in National Assembly: precedent and custom. Therefore, before we bring censure Motions to the Floor of the House, we should explore other options that are available to us administratively for purposes of maintaining the dignity of this House. We keep saying this every time I beg to oppose. view
  • 19 Mar 2015 in National Assembly: Thank you, hon. Speaker. I rise to second this Procedural Motion. I do not intend to take much time because it is straightforward. We are trying to be a little bit ahead of time considering that the constitutional deadline on the Fair Administrative Action Bill is 27th May. As the Mover has correctly said, those days have been reduced by our short recess of ten days beginning Friday next week and it will involve both Houses. Without anticipating debate, should there be any disagreement, in terms of The electronic version of the Official Hansard Report is for information purposesonly. A ... view
  • 19 Mar 2015 in National Assembly: amendments on the other side, we may need to form a mediation committee. Taking that into account, we wish to finish all this business before 27th May because we extended time and hon. Members should know that we are not allowed by the Constitution to do the extension more than once. Therefore, it is a straightforward matter and I beg to second. view
  • 5 Mar 2015 in National Assembly: Thank you, hon. Speaker. Pursuant to Standing Order No.42(2)(a) and on behalf of the House Business Committee (HBC), I rise to give the following Statement regarding the Business appearing before the House, the week beginning Tuesday 10th March 2015: On Tuesday priority will be accorded to the following Motions:- 1. The Report by the Departmental Committee on Justice and Legal Affairs regarding the vetting of the nominee to KNHRC. 2. The Special Report of the Public Investments Committee on procurement of the Kenya Pipeline Company Limited Line One Capacity Enhancement Project. 3. The Report of the Kenya Delegation to Inter-Parliamentary ... view
  • 5 Mar 2015 in National Assembly: are subject to availability of written recommendation from the Budget and Appropriations Committee on the amendment proposed to the two Bills. Hon. Speaker, also to be considered next week by the House in the Committee of the whole House and Third Reading is the Protection Against Domestic Violence Bill 2013 and the Public Audit Bill 2014, which is one of the Bills with a constitutional timeline. I urge Members with proposed amendments to the Bills to hand them to the office of the Clerk in good time as they have to appear in the Order Paper. view
  • 5 Mar 2015 in National Assembly: Regarding the Cabinet Secretaries who are supposed to appear on Tuesday 10th March 2015, the schedule is as follows:- 1. The Cabinet Secretary for Interior and Co-ordination of National Government, will appear at 10.00 a.m. before the Departmental Committee on Administration and National Security to answer questions from hon.(Ms.) Ibren, hon. George Peter Kaluma, and hon. Ann Gathecha; 2. The Cabinet Secretary for Treasury will appear at 10.00 a.m. before the Departmental Committee on Finance, Planning and Trade to answer questions from hon. ChachuGanya and hon. Rachel Ameso; 3. The Cabinet Secretary for Education, Science and Technology will appear at ... view
  • 5 Mar 2015 in National Assembly: I am not in the Committee, but I will communicate that to the Chairperson of the Departmental Committee on Finance, Planning and Trade. As I have stated in the Statement, I urge my colleague and other Members who may have The electronic version of the Official Hansard Report is for information purposesonly. A certified version of this Report can be obtained from the Hansard Editor. view
  • 5 Mar 2015 in National Assembly: Statements that this is one of the Bills with a constitutional timeline. We moved the deadline to May, 2015. As a House Business Committee we resolved that the earlier we finish the better. This is because these Bills have to go to the Senate. view


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