Judah ole Metito

Parties & Coalitions

Full name

Judah Katoo Ole-Metito


12th March 1973


Parliament Buildings
Parliament Rd.
P.O Box 41842 – 00100
Nairobi, Kenya








0202 848634


P. O. Box 191 Loitokitok

All parliamentary appearances

Entries 881 to 890 of 1895.

  • 5 Mar 2015 in National Assembly: ( Hon. Keynan greeted an hon. Member view
  • 5 Mar 2015 in National Assembly: Hon. Speaker, I just want to communicate to hon. Eng. Gumbo and other Members who may be having backing amendments, especially on the Public and Audit Bill that this Bill has a constitutional timeline. The House, in its own wisdom, moved the deadline to May, 2015 something which can only be done once. This is one of the Bills that will have to go to the Senate. We had resolved as a House Business Committee that the earlier we conclude this Bill the better so that there is room for proper negotiation to beat the deadline. Thank you, hon. Speaker. view
  • 4 Mar 2015 in National Assembly: Thank you, hon. Deputy Speaker. I stand to support this Motion. First of all, this is the first joint approval that we are doing as Parliament; it is by both Houses for an appointee by H.E the President. Therefore, it is very historic. I support the candidature and appointment of this nominee for several reasons. One, going by the report on what he told the vetting committee, I was so impressed by his personal plan and vision for the National Police Service (NPS). If you look at what he told the Committee, he would wish to provide collaborative leadership and ... view
  • 4 Mar 2015 in National Assembly: purport to be fighting crime when we are still analogue in terms of equipment that is used in fighting crime. Therefore, if this nominee is given the necessary support and budget, more so by this House, which is the House that allocates resources to all Government agencies, this can be achieved. He also talked about the perennial problem of cattle rustling and the re-emergence of the outlawed criminal groups in this country. Going by his vision of creating partnership with the Kenyan people, this issue of cattle rustling and the re-emergence of outlawed criminal groups can be dealt with by ... view
  • 4 Mar 2015 in National Assembly: charge of that unit. I like the way he talked to the Committee about legislation gap; he said there is a gap in terms of legislation that should regulate the overlap of command and control in those units. This House should be called upon, through the relevant Committee, to do the necessary and correct that anomaly. view
  • 4 Mar 2015 in National Assembly: In conclusion, the Inspector-General of Police, as per the Constitution, has the independent command of the National Police Service. He should be given all the necessary support to command it. However, the new IG, if approved by this House, comes in without security of tenure. This House removed the security of tenure of the IG and the Director-General of the National Intelligence Service (NIS). That is so because if you are the Commander-in-Chief of the security forces, but you cannot command some of those security institutions, that should not be misconstrued to mean what my colleagues have said, that the ... view
  • 4 Mar 2015 in National Assembly: I beg to support. view
  • 18 Feb 2015 in National Assembly: Thank you, hon. Speaker. I rise to second this very important Bill. I want to start by saying that public procurement is a business process within a political system. Therefore, one needs to properly balance between two elements. Otherwise, it will lead to wasted efforts and poor development results. The Public Procurement and Asset Disposal Bill, 2014 has tried to reflect the best practices of public procurement and incorporate international procurement standards. This is about doing business the right way. The promotion of new and innovative purchasing methods and strategies, increasing emphasis on the need for best practice and the ... view
  • 18 Feb 2015 in National Assembly: process. They try to address the current public procurement challenges as well as facilitate efficient service delivery. There is, therefore, need to remain focused in the management of public procurement for a better country that can take advantage of its purchasing power to help development efforts. As it has been said by the Mover, the Bill is bringing life to Article 227 of the Constitution, specifically Sub-Article (1), which states that: “When a State organ or any other public entity contracts for goods or services, it shall do so in accordance with a system that is fair, equitable, transparent competitive ... view
  • 18 Feb 2015 in National Assembly: Thank you, hon. Speaker. Let me continue with seconding this Bill. If you look at Clause 158, it allows a candidate to participate in any procurement proceedings without discrimination. The only reservation that I have is the categories of persons included. It just talks of disadvantaged groups, micro and small enterprises, but there is need to specify the percentages and maybe this will come at the Committee of the whole House stage. view


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