All parliamentary appearances

Entries 761 to 770 of 1550.

  • 29 Aug 2018 in National Assembly: Hon. Temporary Deputy Speaker I have a recommittal. I beg to move that the Motion for agreement with the Report of the Committee of the whole House be amended by inserting words, subject to recommittal of Clause 18(b) and Clause 31. I am doing this because there was a typo in my amendment. It was supposed to be from 2018 to 2020, but it was written 2016 to 2020. That means taxation of VAT on petroleum products should continue from 2018 to 2022. I request Hon. Abdullswamad to second. view
  • 28 Aug 2018 in National Assembly: Hon. Speaker, I do not know why you are shying away from glory. The electronic version of the Official Hansard Report is for information purposes only. Acertified version of this Report can be obtained from the Hansard Editor. view
  • 28 Aug 2018 in National Assembly: We want to glorify the international position that you occupied recently. We watched the event keenly within Parliament Buildings as it was being televised from Botswana. We wanted to know whether our delegation would come back with something or empty-handed. Now that you have come back with something for Parliament, we have to get every opportunity to celebrate for the next 10 minutes, before we move to the next business. view
  • 28 Aug 2018 in National Assembly: I want to take this opportunity and go on record to congratulate you for being elected the Chairman of CPA-Africa. That is not a mean achievement. We have had speakers since Independence. I have checked the history. None of them has become the Chair of CPA-Africa. It is over 200 Parliaments that you are now chairing, and we are no longer going to take it for granted as before. This is a serious matter. I must also thank those other Members who have shown confidence in you and tell them that they have done the right thing. As Parliament, we ... view
  • 28 Aug 2018 in National Assembly: On behalf of the Leader of the Minority Party, I congratulate you and thank the Members who elected you. Thank you so much. view
  • 23 Aug 2018 in National Assembly: On a point of order, Hon. Speaker. view
  • 23 Aug 2018 in National Assembly: Hon. Speaker, I do not mean to interrupt the Deputy Speaker. He is moving the Motion very well. However, right now, he is speaking as the Chair of a Committee and Member for Kuresoi. Hon. Speaker is on the Chair. Is he in order to mislead the House by saying that CASs can answer parliamentary questions? They are not recognised in the Constitution and the existing statutes. The electronic version of the Official Hansard Report is for information purposes only. Acertified version of this Report can be obtained from the Hansard Editor. view
  • 23 Aug 2018 in National Assembly: Thank you, Hon. Speaker for giving me this opportunity. I rise to support this Motion. The matter being canvassed through this Motion is very important for this House. This House deliberates and looks into issues that are of concern to the people of this country. These matters can only be done through representation. If you do not ask questions on issues that are happening in your constituents or in different parts of the country, then representation will not come out as envisaged in the Constitution. The only way people of this Republic understand representation, is by Members of Parliament coming ... view
  • 23 Aug 2018 in National Assembly: The most important thing that I have seen in this Motion is the issue of friends of committees. A friend of the court is supposed to be that guy who appears at the court and claims to be a friend of the court. They call him amicus curiae. I learnt it in the first petition of 2013, when the then Attorney-General went to the court and said that he was amicus curiae . I asked who had sent the man, but I came to learn that these are people who are supposed to appear in court as friends because they ... view
  • 23 Aug 2018 in National Assembly: That issue of friends of the committee…. I am informed that he was the Chief Accountant of the University of Nairobi. view


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