Tom Joseph Kajwang'

Parties & Coalitions

All parliamentary appearances

Entries 10251 to 10260 of 10308.

  • 15 May 2013 in National Assembly: Just one minute! Who is this? I cannot see you. Where are you? view
  • 15 May 2013 in National Assembly: On what Order? Who is out of order? view
  • 15 May 2013 in National Assembly: Thank you so much. But you will not catch my eye if you are rising on a point of order. Can we have the Member for Seme? I have said that you do not have to use all your minutes. I can see that within three minutes, you have actually put across the issues. So, can you allow Members to ventilate this Motion? We do not have a lot of time. Yes, Member for Seme. view
  • 15 May 2013 in National Assembly: It is right when a Member says that. I will direct the Clerk to do a head count and find out if we have a quorum. We do not have a quorum and I will order the Division Bell to be rung for ten minutes. view
  • 15 May 2013 in National Assembly: I am waiting for an input from the Clerk. Order, hon. Members! The Clerk is doing the work that she is assigned to do – to let us know whether we have a quorum. view
  • 15 May 2013 in National Assembly: Hon. Members, I am informed that we need one more person to have a quorum. Thank you, hon. Members. Now, the Division Bell can cease ringing. We have a quorum to resume the debate. Hon. Mover, you were on your feet. Could you, please, quickly wind up your reply before I put the Question? Go to a microphone right away. view
  • 15 May 2013 in National Assembly: Order, hon. Member! May I inquire from you if you have an amended text of the Motion before the House? view
  • 15 May 2013 in National Assembly: Do you entertain the idea of putting an amended text into this Motion? view
  • 15 May 2013 in National Assembly: Yes, gender. But one minute please. Hon. Members, I can see some interest generated. I have five minutes that were taken away by the Quorum. That is what I want to allow you to ventilate on. Take one minute, so that we also have a member who feels very strongly that he has some burning issue. Just one minute. view
  • 15 May 2013 in National Assembly: Thank you very much. The very last one is from the hon. Member over there. view


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