1 Oct 2013 in National Assembly:
Yes, hon. Gikaria.
26 Sep 2013 in National Assembly:
Hon. Daniel Maanzo, would you please press the intervention button. Your card must be in place before you are able to operate.
26 Sep 2013 in National Assembly:
Hon. Members, resume your seats. We have interventions but they must be points of order because we do not want to use points of order to interrupt discussions of the Members. Hon. Gideon, what is your point of order?
26 Sep 2013 in National Assembly:
Order, hon. Gideon! That is not a point of order but a debate. The Member is not on a point of order. He is actually contributing to the Motion. Let us go to the next point of order by hon. Charles Muriuki.
26 Sep 2013 in National Assembly:
Order! Did the Speaker hear the Member discuss the conduct of---
26 Sep 2013 in National Assembly:
Unfortunately, I will rule you out of order! I do not see the substance beyond the fact that the Chair is a chair of two Committees which may or may not be true because I have not checked that. If it turns out to be true, it is a substantial issue. However, let us not discuss the conduct of the Chair in any negative way. So, let us get to the next point of order. Hon. Joseph Muriuki, what is your point of order?
26 Sep 2013 in National Assembly:
You have blocked your intervention. Hon. Farah, what is your point of order?
26 Sep 2013 in National Assembly:
Yes, hon. Boniface Kinoti.
26 Sep 2013 in National Assembly:
Just a minute. Did you say that you rose under Standing Order No.97?
26 Sep 2013 in National Assembly:
Under what Standing Order did you rise?