26 Sep 2013 in National Assembly:
You do not have to be rushed. How long do you think you will take?
26 Sep 2013 in National Assembly:
Allow me therefore, for the HANSARD, to extend the sitting of the House to 6.34 p.m.
26 Sep 2013 in National Assembly:
Hon. Members, it is now time to interrupt the business of this House. I order that the Motion before the House be listed in the Order Paper for the next sitting of the House. This House, therefore, stands adjourned until Tuesday, 1st October, 2013 at 2.30 p.m.
26 Sep 2013 in National Assembly:
The House rose at 6.34 p.m.
26 Sep 2013 in National Assembly:
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25 Sep 2013 in National Assembly:
Hon. Temporary Deputy Speaker. I hope I am not one of those who have just come and I have got the microphone. I am on an intervention. I want to The electronic version of the Official Hansard Report is for information purposesonly. A certified version of this Report can be obtained from the Hansard Editor.
25 Sep 2013 in National Assembly:
speak of the constitutionality of the subject before the House. I was on the Chair when this Motion was introduced and it is good for the Members to debate things which we can support from the Constitution and the laws that we have passed as a House. I know that Members would wish, particularly those of us who come from the ASAL areas, to see the KPRs in their areas. But the Constitution is what we are here, as a House, to protect. However, the Constitution is what we are here, as a House, to protect. If you look at ...
25 Sep 2013 in National Assembly:
Hon. Temporary Deputy Speaker, under Article 247, Parliament may enact legislation from other police services under the command of the Inspector- General. We had the Police Act under which the Kenya Police Reservists (KPRs) was created but that Act was repealed. For us to bring the KPRs back, we must bring legislation before this House. Before that legislation, a Motion such as the one we have, we are unable to debate it. You know that our basic role in this House is to protect the Constitution which says that we bring a Police Bill. Under that Bill, we will be ...
25 Sep 2013 in National Assembly:
Hon. Chairlady, we do not have it on the Order Paper. I wonder if hon. Langat could articulate it properly, so that we follow the proceedings in the Chamber.
25 Sep 2013 in National Assembly:
Hon. Chairlady, it should be left the way it was proposed originally by the Committee; theirs did not have the 90 days. When you put the 90 days, you make assumptions that the dispute settlement can work within those 90 days. You will notice that in the Act that we passed, the dispute is settled in the High Court and this court may not run the race of 90 days because of several other things that happen and affect legislation. So, to put the 90 days is really to say that there will be no determination of dispute, particularly in ...