Ledama Olekina

Parties & Coalitions

  • Not a member of any parties or coalitions


11th November 1974






@ledama on Twitter

All parliamentary appearances

Entries 4121 to 4127 of 4127.

  • 27 Sep 2017 in Senate: Madam Temporary Speaker, could the Senate Majority Leader give me the exact date because two days ago over ten people were killed. We were able to recover only eight bodies. The more we wait, the more the damage. Could he give an undertaking on the particular action that will be taken before he brings a full report? view
  • 27 Sep 2017 in Senate: A point of order, Mr. Temporary Speaker, Sir. Is the hon. Member in order to appear in this honourable House wearing a hat? That is not the right attire. I hope you will take action. Thank you, Mr. Temporary Speaker, Sir. view
  • 27 Sep 2017 in Senate: On a point of order, Mr. Temporary Speaker, Sir. Kenyans out there are watching. When I listen to Sen. Linturi trying to interpret the Constitution wrongly, I get shocked. He stood and interpreted Article 138 selectively. I remind the Senator that sometimes age does not only affect one person. It can affect two or three. In this case, it is affecting him. If you were keen, you would have realised that there would be no nomination in a repeat election after a presidential election has been nullified. It is only limited to two candidates. You can interpret the decision of ... view
  • 13 Sep 2017 in Senate: Thank you, Mr. Speaker, Sir. Let me first begin by congratulating you for being elected the Speaker. It can be an exciting period of time working with you, having been a governor before. Secondly, I would like to thank the Maasai of Narok for having overwhelmingly voted for me. I was actually one of the few people who were voted by the Maasai people. It is quite sad that in this country we are so tribal. We talk about security yet we all know by referring back to the President’s Address that most of the Maasai children in Laikipia County ... view
  • 13 Sep 2017 in Senate: Thank you, Mr. Speaker, Sir. Let me first begin by congratulating you for being elected the Speaker. It can be an exciting period of time working with you, having been a governor before. Secondly, I would like to thank the Maasai of Narok for having overwhelmingly voted for me. I was actually one of the few people who were voted by the Maasai people. It is quite sad that in this country we are so tribal. We talk about security yet we all know by referring back to the President’s Address that most of the Maasai children in Laikipia County ... view
  • 13 Sep 2017 in Senate: Mr. Speaker, Sir, this is my maiden speech. It is not time for Sen. Murkomen’s point of order. I am sorry. Mr. Speaker, Sir, we are divided in this country. When I sit here, I can hear the hon. Senators. I thank my brother from Nandi County for having commended his President’s speech. Looking at the speech, I find a lot of problems with it. Therefore, I am not going to say that it was a great speech. This is because we can write things, but what is practically happening on the ground to our people, is on the contrary. ... view
  • 13 Sep 2017 in Senate: Mr. Speaker, Sir, this is my maiden speech. It is not time for Sen. Murkomen’s point of order. I am sorry. Mr. Speaker, Sir, we are divided in this country. When I sit here, I can hear the hon. Senators. I thank my brother from Nandi County for having commended his President’s speech. Looking at the speech, I find a lot of problems with it. Therefore, I am not going to say that it was a great speech. This is because we can write things, but what is practically happening on the ground to our people, is on the contrary. ... view


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