Malachy Charles Ekal Imana

Parties & Coalitions

All parliamentary appearances

Entries 91 to 100 of 243.

  • 1 Oct 2020 in Senate: There have been issues when you look at international boundaries between Kenya and Uganda, Kenya and South Sudan and Kenya and Ethiopia boundaries. As I speak today, people are dying on the boundaries. Today, the South Sudanese have camped within Elemi Triangle which is in Kenya and a conflict is brewing. People are going to shoot each other because Turkanas feel that the South Sudanese are stepping into their grazing land. They are bound to be conflicts here. Two weeks ago, there was a conflict on the boundary of Ethiopia and Kenya. There was an attack and four Kenyans were ... view
  • 23 Jun 2020 in Senate: Thank you, Mr. Speaker, Sir, for giving me the chance to say something about this Petition. I support this Petition forthwith. The question of land, as my colleagues have said, is a touchy issue. Somehow, the Ministry of Lands and Physical Planning has not stepped in to solve some of these problems. There are boundaries that were put in place by the colonialists. These are what is cutout and what we call counties today, yet, the Ministry is not showing this clearly, so that we can avoid some of these squabbles. The squabbles are as a result of the boundaries ... view
  • 23 Jun 2020 in Senate: Mr. Speaker, Sir, I support the Petition and hope that the Committee of the Senate that this Petition will be referred to will take this matter seriously and find a lasting solution to these squabbles. view
  • 12 May 2020 in Senate: Thank you, Mr. Deputy Speaker, Sir. I would like to add my voice to support the Petition by the citizens of Machakos that they should be treated right and with respect. Those of us who are grey in the head remember a time when this country employed people based on their credentials and what they got in school. There is a trend going round in the country and it is taking us downwards, by the fact that in several counties people are given jobs based on their political inclinations and who they supported in the elections. This trend cannot push ... view
  • 4 Mar 2020 in Senate: Thank you, Mr. Speaker, Sir, for giving me the chance to support this Petition. I wholeheartedly support it because I am from a pastoralist community. Those of us from pastoralist communities will appreciate some of the extension and range management officers being all over the North Eastern counties, because we depend on our animals. Our existence, livelihood, culture and traditions all depend on animals. Due to that, these are the people who should be supported by the Government so that we produce enough animals to sustain the lives of Kenyans living in the North Rift and North Eastern. view
  • 4 Mar 2020 in Senate: Mr. Speaker, Sir, when you hear that people are starving in places like Turkana, the reason is not because of lack of food or anything else; it is because of something contributed by nature, such as the locusts that have invaded the areas. They consume all the grass and, consequently, our animals have nothing to feed on. As result, they do not produce enough milk, therefore our people start starving. At the same time, there are diseases that come and wipe out our animals. Imagine a whole man, like Sen. (Prof.) Ekal, sitting there watching his animals get decimated by ... view
  • 18 Feb 2020 in Senate: Thank you, Mr. Speaker, Sir, for giving me the chance to support the Statement by Sen. Kwamboka. It is obvious that the population of Kenya is over 50 million people. That is to say that the population of the country is increasing. As such, facilities that should be holding people like prisons, schools and so on should be expanded to accommodate large numbers. I empathized with what Sen. Shiyonga said; that when there is overcrowding, there is a likelihood of diseases spreading from one person to the next because they are in enclosed quarters. Increasing the size of prisons is ... view
  • 4 Dec 2019 in Senate: Thank you, Mr. Speaker, Sir, for giving me a chance to also contribute to the roads debacle in the entire country. I used to think that it was only Turkana that has these problems but now I realize that the entire country is having these unfinished projects. In the case of Turkana, I would like to say that - I know places like Misikhu, Ndalu and all those places, but I do not know the condition of the roads – the roads are in a bad shape and yet there are contracts that have been given. Some of those companies ... view
  • 4 Dec 2019 in Senate: There is also a road that goes from Lodwar Town to Kalokol which is also not finished. In fact, they put materials that destroy tires of vehicles, motorbikes and people are unhappy about this. Therefore, it is not clear to me why those who were given contracts do not phase their roads. I am calling upon those concerned to start to give money to construct these roads so that people can travel without problems. view
  • 4 Dec 2019 in Senate: Thank you. view


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