Martin Nyaga Wambora


9th April 1951


P.O. Box 67780, Nairobi,


P. O. Box 252 Embu




0733 603192

All parliamentary appearances

Entries 31 to 40 of 77.

  • 4 Jul 2007 in National Assembly: asked the Minster for Water and Irrigation how much funds had been allocated to water projects in Runyenjes Constituency to date by Tana Water Services Board and/or the Ministry of Water and Irrigation. view
  • 4 Jul 2007 in National Assembly: Mr. Temporary Deputy Speaker, Sir, while appreciating the allocation for the last four years, which averages Kshs4.75 million for water projects in Runyenjes, I would like to ask the Minister to consider funding one of the other prime projects which need funds this financial year. view
  • 4 Jul 2007 in National Assembly: Mr. Temporary Deputy Speaker, Sir, the Ministry of Water and Irrigation has been allocated a lot of funds this financial year. It is a pity that they are only allocating Kshs6 million for a sewerage project in Embu Town. Could the Minister consider sourcing enough funds for projects in Runyenjes Constituency which are in big demand? I have already given him the figures. Could he source for funds even from the Tana Water Services Board? view
  • 26 Jun 2007 in National Assembly: asked the Minister for Roads and Public Works:- (a) whether he is aware that Rukuriri-Kyeni Makutano-Kathanjuri Karurumo Road is an important link in the economy of Kyeni Division of Runyenjes Constituency; and, (b) when the road will be upgraded to bitumen standards. view
  • 26 Jun 2007 in National Assembly: Mr. Speaker, Sir, I wish to thank the Minister for his reply. However, I would like to draw his attention to the part "b" of his reply. He says the remaining loop of Road D467 from Kianjokoma-Makutano-Rukiriri-Runyenjes is under design. I think there is confusion here. The Kianjokoma-Irangi-Rukuriri-Runyenjes Road is under design. This road covers a very small part of Kyeni Division. The part I have asked about; Rukiriri-Kyeni-Makutano-Karanjuri up to Karurumo, is actually not under design. I am, therefore, asking him to consider including that part for design. view
  • 26 Jun 2007 in National Assembly: Mr. Speaker, Sir, I do not want to sound as if I am ungrateful to the Minister because he has done me a very good favour by designing a road in my constituency. I know that the road is now under design. I am talking about the view
  • 26 Jun 2007 in National Assembly: Rukiriri-Kyeni-Makutano-Karurumo Road, which passes through the divisional headquarters of Kyeni. Could the Minister consider, at least, putting that road under the Roads 2000 Programme? I know that the programme is being implemented in my constituency. view
  • 26 Jun 2007 in National Assembly: Mr. Speaker, Sir, I wish to take this opportunity, from the outset to support the Budget Speech read by the Minister for Finance. It was a well-thought out Speech. It highlighted several very substantial achievements realised during the Kibaki Administration. The economic growth of 6.1 per cent last year, indicates the success of the economy and the success of the Government's pursuance of micro-economic policies. Mr. Speaker, Sir, it is clear that areas like hotel occupancy, manufacturing, wholesale and retail trade, transport and communication have performed exceptionally well. For the first time we have performed better than our neighbours; Tanzania ... view
  • 12 Jun 2007 in National Assembly: Mr. Speaker, Sir, the Assistant Minister has not denied that Coffee Board of Kenya was responsible for incurring debts using the Kshs641 million belonging to the farmers. Could he now confirm that he will follow up the case with Coffee Board of Kenya until it pays that money to farmers? view
  • 23 May 2007 in National Assembly: asked the Minister for Agriculture:- (a) whether it is still the Government's policy to have value addition in respect of Kenya's leading exports, namely, coffee and tea; and, (b) if the answer to (a) above is in the affirmative, what specific measures the Ministry and/or the main stakeholders in the small scale coffee and tea sub- sectors have taken to ensure that there is value addition to Kenyan coffee and tea. view


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