14 May 2024 in Senate:
Mr. Temporary Chairman, Sir, I beg to move: THAT clause 10 of the Bill be amended— (a) by deleting paragraph (c); (b) in paragraph (f) by inserting the words “in consultation with county governments” immediately after the word “maintain” and (c) in paragraph (g) by inserting the words “beneficial owners” immediately after the word “directors”
14 May 2024 in Senate:
Mr. Chairman, Sir, I beg to move- THAT clause 66 of the Bill be amended by deleting the words “shall ensure that its” appearing immediately after the word “Authority” and substituting therefor the words “and county governments shall ensure that their”.
14 May 2024 in Senate:
Mr. Temporary Chairperson, Sir, I beg to move-
14 May 2024 in Senate:
THAT clause 87 (2) of the Bill be amended in paragraph (e) by deleting the word “six” appearing immediately after the words “radio between” and substituting, therefore, the word “five”.
14 May 2024 in Senate:
Mr. Temporary Chairperson, Sir, I beg to move- THAT Clause 119 (2) be amended by deleting- (a) paragraph (d); and (b) paragraph (g).
14 May 2024 in Senate:
The electronic version of the Senate Hansard Report is for information purposesonly. A certified version of this Report can be obtained from the Director, Hansard and AudioServices, Senate.
14 May 2024 in Senate:
Mr. Temporary Chairperson, Sir, I beg to move- THAT Clause 123 of the Bill be amended by renumbering the current provision as sub-clause (1) and inserting therefor the following new sub-clauses immediately after the new clause (1)— Cap 269 (2) The Kenya Revenue Authority Act, is amended in Part II of the First Schedule, by deleting paragraph 7 and substituting therefor the following new paragraph— 7. The Gambling Control Act. No. 20 of 2023 (3) The National Lottery Act, is amended by inserting the following new clause immediately after clause 52— Regulations 53. (1) The Cabinet Secretary may in consultation ...
14 May 2024 in Senate:
Mr. Temporary Chairperson, Sir, I beg to move- THAT the Bill be amended by inserting the following new Clause immediately after Clause 117- Operating hours 117A. A licensed betting, gambling, lottery, or gaming premise shall operate between ten o’clock in the evening and five o’clock in the morning.
8 May 2024 in Senate:
Thank you, Mr. Speaker, Sir. I want the Cabinet Secretary to tell this House what assurance he can give to the family of the deceased and the residents of Meru County. For example, because of the nature of this case, there will be no interference whatsoever and justice will be served and seen to be served.
8 May 2024 in Senate:
Thank you, Mr. Temporary Speaker, Sir. I would like the able Cabinet Secretary to tell this House the criteria used by the Government to create sub- counties and the optimal number of sub-counties the country should have.