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All parliamentary appearances

Entries 31 to 40 of 827.

  • 7 Aug 2024 in Senate: The electronic version of the Senate Hansard Report is for information purposes only.A certified version of this Report can be obtained from the Director, Hansard and Audio Services,Senate. view
  • 7 Aug 2024 in Senate: Thank you very much, Mr. Speaker, Sir. I rise to comment on the Statement that has been sought by the Senator of Trans Nzoia, Sen. Chesang’, on the anomalies in the payroll for the County Executive for Trans Nzoia County Government. Looking at the numbers, I actually do not know why this was sought from the Committee on Finance and Budget because this is a matter that we in the County Public Accounts Committee (CPAC) are seized of and we look at every day and every time. This is a matter that every time there is an audit in counties, ... view
  • 7 Aug 2024 in Senate: FY 2023/2024. However, that money was budgeted for by the Department of Public Administration of the County Government of Nyandarua. The money budgeted for allowances of ward and sub-county administrators was Kshs31 million. However, they received only Kshs3 million. The rest of the money was used as imprest. You know how imprest is used by the county executives. This Statement must unearth the transactions, especially for allowances for members of staff. Since most of them are junior, they do not have the avenue of paying themselves. Transactions are voided and the money is used for other unintended purposes. view
  • 7 Aug 2024 in Senate: Mr. Speaker, Sir, I submit. view
  • 31 Jul 2024 in Senate: Thank you, Mr. Speaker, Sir, I rise pursuant to Standing Order No. 53(1) to seek a Statement from the Standing Committee on Roads, Transportation, Housing regarding the status of insurance cover of motor vehicles belonging to the County Government of Nyandarua. In the statement, the committee should- (1) Specify the total number of vehicles belonging to the County Government of Nyandarua indicating how many of the vehicles are insured under the third party motor vehicle insurance cover as well as those under the comprehensive motor vehicle insurance cover. (2) Disclose the details of insurance providers contracted by the County Government ... view
  • 31 Jul 2024 in Senate: Mr. Speaker, Sir, I also wish to comment on the statement that has been sought by the Senator for Meru. As my colleagues have said, this is new. Mr. Speaker, Sir, we were conversing here with the Senate Majority Leader. This is a constitutional matter that was brought to the attention of the Judge of the High Court. You said that this is a serious matter that must be addressed. So, you sent it back to Njuri Ncheke. There are two issues. Firstly, the Senator for Meru has confirmed to us that he is a member of Njuri Ncheke. How ... view
  • 31 Jul 2024 in Senate: Like the Senator for Kitui said, on this particular matter of Meru, this time around, we, as a Senate, have to ensure that the people of Meru get justice. They are not children of a lesser god. We have to do everything we can. view
  • 31 Jul 2024 in Senate: Mr. Deputy Speaker, Sir, as I rise to second this Bill, allow me to, first, make an observation on two of our very senior legislators in this House; the Senator for Tana River County, Sen. Mungatana and the Senator for Kakamega County, Sen. (Dr.) Khalwale, who was a parliamentarian when I was a primary school child. view
  • 31 Jul 2024 in Senate: The two legislators take their legislative work very seriously. Rarely will you miss the face of Sen. (Dr.) Khalwale sitting here from 2.30 p.m. to 6.30 p.m. everyday. It is the same case for the Senator for Tana River County. view
  • 31 Jul 2024 in Senate: I see the Senator of Kiambu County is a bit excited. He wants me to include him in that list. Anyway, because I am cut from the cloth of the truthful men, I will hold back including him in that particular list. We are learning from the best. The electronic version of the Senate Hansard Report is for information purposes only.A certified version of this Report can be obtained from the Director, Hansard and Audio Services,Senate. view


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