Parties & Coalitions

All parliamentary appearances

Entries 441 to 450 of 827.

  • 26 Jul 2023 in Senate: This privilege is abused by just opening a window of 14 days for people to apply. Then you put a small advertisement in a newspaper and alert your people that the advertisement is there, for them to apply. When other people complain, you tell them that it was in the media and that they did not apply, that is why they have been locked out. view
  • 26 Jul 2023 in Senate: Another principle that has been proposed in this Bill is to enable licence holders to adjust to changes with minimum friction. It is ringing in my mind how many businesses were affected in the just ended COVID-19 pandemic. Many businesses were forced to readjust. view
  • 26 Jul 2023 in Senate: For example, if I am operating a bar and restaurant, the licence that I get for selling alcoholic drinks allows me to remain open for 24 hours. Government had ordered that all bars must be closed by 7.00 p.m. There was a lot of friction for application of the licences because your licence says you are not supposed to close but you are being told by the Government to close by 7.00 p.m. This friction should be addressed. view
  • 26 Jul 2023 in Senate: As it is now, the Government has given licences for harvesting and thinning foreign trees. I am the Chairperson of Committee on Lands, Environment and Natural Resources. The licences have not been issued because harvesting forest products has been banned for quite some time. There should be a framework so that we allow those that have licences to do their business in peace. view
  • 26 Jul 2023 in Senate: On the licencing procedure, Sen. Mariam Omar has proposed that in three years, all licencing authorities should allow electronic application. This is a major departure from the past. Sen. M. Kajwang’ is my Chairperson in the Committee on Public Accounts The electronic version of the Senate Hansard Report is for information purposesonly. A certified version of this Report can be obtained from the Director, Hansard Services,Senate. view
  • 26 Jul 2023 in Senate: of the Senate. It has been mentioned by many governors that for them to succeed in raising their revenues and seal all the loopholes in the revenue streams, electronic application is the way to go. view
  • 26 Jul 2023 in Senate: A person in a small village in Marsabit County should be able to apply for a licence and get it without necessarily visiting the sub county office, knowing Sen. Chute or the governor for Marsabit county. If a person in a village in Marsabit County wants to open a kinyozi or salon, they do not need to travel all the way to the sub county headquarters to apply for a licence. It should be made easy to apply. The Licensing Authority could even visit your village and issue you with the licence so that you are able to do your ... view
  • 26 Jul 2023 in Senate: Mr. Temporary Speaker, Sir, another matter that has caught my eye is Clause 13 of this Bill that says- “The period upon which an application for a licence must be considered must be 28 days.” view
  • 26 Jul 2023 in Senate: I imagine a person that is applying for a licence is a person who is either in business or wants to open one. If you are Government and you are not efficient and do not want to process their licence in good time, then you are not creating an enabling environment for that businessperson. Therefore, 28 days is good enough. If it were me, I would even reduce it. view
  • 26 Jul 2023 in Senate: It has also been proposed in the Bill that the notice of decision to either grant or refuse to grant you a license must be given to you within seven days. This is something that has been abused for a long time. Your application is not approved, they sleep on the papers, you do not know whether it has been approved or not and you cannot appeal. You just sit not knowing what has happened. view


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