Parties & Coalitions

All parliamentary appearances

Entries 431 to 440 of 827.

  • 27 Jul 2023 in Senate: In the Statement, the Committee should: - view
  • 27 Jul 2023 in Senate: (1) State the number of qualified teachers deployed to the school and the current deficit; view
  • 27 Jul 2023 in Senate: (2) Indicate the state of availability of suitable facilities for use by the teachers and learners in the school; view
  • 27 Jul 2023 in Senate: (3) Appraise the Senate on the frequency of supply of teaching and learning materials by the Government to the school; and view
  • 27 Jul 2023 in Senate: (4) Outline measures put in place by the Ministry of Education to mitigate the harsh working and learning conditions for teachers and learners at the school. view
  • 26 Jul 2023 in Senate: Thank you, Mr. Temporary Speaker, Sir, for giving me this opportunity to support this well-thought-out Bill by my colleague, Sen. Mariam Omar. She is a Member of a committee that I Chair. If Members of the committee were here, they would tell you that we refer to her as our midfielder. Sen. Ogolla and herself rarely miss any meeting. They are the fulcrum around which the committee operates. I am happy they are Members of my committee. We have never faced quorum hitches when they are around. Just as the Senate Leader of Majority has mentioned, they are always with ... view
  • 26 Jul 2023 in Senate: Government should create an enabling environment for business people so that they can do business. Another principle of application for licensing proposed in this Bill is equity, transparency and accountability. view
  • 26 Jul 2023 in Senate: Mr. Temporary Speaker, Sir, more often than not, this has been a preserve of a few people. Many people apply but not every person is subjected to a standard procedure of getting licenses. For example, licenses for a bar and alcoholic drinks in Nyandarua County is one of the major areas where governors used to reward their people. People are not subjected to a standard way of licensing. There has not been equity in this particular area. I feel proud and happy that it is been addressed by this Bill. view
  • 26 Jul 2023 in Senate: Another principle is access to information relating to licencing. In Section 11 of this Bill, Sen. Mariam Omar has proposed that part of how information shall be availed to the public is to have this information printed on the print media of one of the major dailies. view
  • 26 Jul 2023 in Senate: However, I wish to ask my colleague, Sen. Mariam Omar, to widen that scope. More often than not, there will be an advertisement which would be meant to be seen by specific people. There will be a small liner in the newspaper, next to the obituaries and you will not see it. If anything, the leading newspapers in Kenya print less than 100,000 copies for 50 million Kenyans. We should increase this scope to not only include print media but also electronic media. It should be announced on radios and televisions so that a person in a small remote village ... view


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