Parties & Coalitions

All parliamentary appearances

Entries 641 to 650 of 827.

  • 6 Jun 2023 in Senate: Mr. Deputy Speaker, Sir, Sen. Veronica Maina was my Secretary General. So, whatever she says, I have to second. view
  • 6 Jun 2023 in Senate: Thank you, Madam Temporary Speaker. Sen. Joe Nyutu is your Senator. I am sure that he would not want to give you a title that does not belong to you. I rise to comment on these two Statements that have been sought by my neighbour and colleague, Sen. Joe Nyutu. I shall start with the first on Murang’a County Creameries. Those of us who come from agricultural counties are strongly opined and believe that the breakthrough for our farmers shall come when we start processing our produce. As it is the case for Nyandarua County, which is the leading producer ... view
  • 6 Jun 2023 in Senate: County and all of us. We must know what plans the County Government of Murang’a has in place to reviving the creamery. My second and last comment is on the Statement sought on the increasing cases of GBV against men. He is very specific on men. Every time there is GBV against a man, people joke about it. If you find for whatever reason a man is being abused or it has come to the attention of the public, you can imagine how much more that man has had to bear in silence before it comes to the public. Madam ... view
  • 6 Jun 2023 in Senate: Yes, my Chairman of the caucus can dully inform me. I know he was attending very serious Government business. I did not know he was meticulous enough to finish and come back in good time. However, the point I was making was that, especially from our region; every time a case comes up, it will most likely be from Nyeri or Kirinyaga and remotely from Nyandarua Counties because most of us are settlers from the other counties. This campaign against GBV must cut across for men and women. Madam Temporary Speaker, I thank you. view
  • 25 May 2023 in Senate: Thank you, Mr Deputy Speaker, Sir. I also rise to comment on the three Statements that have been sought by the Senator for Kirinyaga. I will start with the sad Statement he is seeking about Baby Ridhwan Yasir Noor’s finger. It is very sad. The Standing Committee on Health must pronounce itself on these occurrences in our health facilities. It is not fair that every time a Senator comes here seeking Statements on issues that are suspected to be as a result of medical negligence. I do not want to comment because I know the Committee on Health will do ... view
  • 24 May 2023 in Senate: Mr. Deputy Speaker, Sir, you told us to be quoting the Standing Order we think is out of order, and I want to quote Standing Order 101(3); Contents of Speech. It says- “It shall be out of order to use offensive or insulting language whether in respect of Senators or other persons.” view
  • 24 May 2023 in Senate: The electronic version of the Senate Hansard Report is for information purposesonly. A certified version of this Report can be obtained from the Hansard Editor, Senate. view
  • 24 May 2023 in Senate: Mr. Deputy Speaker, Sir, I find it very offensive that my good Chairman, Sen. M. Kajwang’, finds colleagues not of the capacity to serve in any Committee. I believe all of us are gifted differently. You cannot say about those of us elected or specially elected that there is none that came here by mistake or accident and that there is none of us that does not have any capacity to serve anywhere in any capacity and role in a Committee. In any case, for him to insinuate that Sen. Cherarkey cannot speak for anybody, is again an insult to ... view
  • 3 May 2023 in Senate: Thank you, Madam Temporary Speaker. This is my line Ministry. I am the Chairperson of the Standing Committee on Land, Environment and Natural Resources. I want to portray leadership and the right direction. You have heard the Cabinet Secretary (CS) refer to Nyandarua County, which I represent, in the issues of issuance of title deeds for the colonial villages. I confirm that from where I sit, since this administration came into power, the people of Nyandarua are big beneficiaries of the good work that is being done by the Ministry of Lands, Public Works, Housing and Urban Development. Out of ... view
  • 3 May 2023 in Senate: The electronic version of the Senate Hansard Report is for information purposesonly. A certified version of this Report can be obtained from the Hansard Editor, Senate. view


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