Parties & Coalitions

All parliamentary appearances

Entries 651 to 660 of 827.

  • 3 May 2023 in Senate: Thank you, Mr. Deputy Speaker, Sir, for giving me this opportunity to support this report of the Committee on Devolution and Intergovernmental Relations. I almost fell for the invitation by Sen. Faki to speak in Swahili. However, I know I would have gotten lost midway. Allow me to stick to English. The question raised by Senator for Tharaka Nithi, Sen. Gataya Mo Fire, regarding the relocation of Government administration services from Chuka to Kathwana Town, the headquarters of Tharaka Nithi County could not be timelier than now. The country voted to have devolution to take resources and services closer to ... view
  • 3 May 2023 in Senate: The electronic version of the Senate Hansard Report is for information purposesonly. A certified version of this Report can be obtained from the Hansard Editor, Senate. view
  • 3 May 2023 in Senate: I have had the opportunity to look at the distances that we are talking about based on what has been brought by the Senator for Tharaka Nithi. A person from a place called Kathangachini in Tharaka Nithi travels for, at least, 200 kilometres to Chuka to access services. This is a distance that is twice that of the headquarters of Nyandarua and back to Nairobi which is an injustice that must be sorted out urgently. I congratulate the Senator for Tharaka Nithi for the intervention he is making. I do not want to be seen like I am disparaging the ... view
  • 3 May 2023 in Senate: I have seen it happen in Nyandarua County and many other county headquarters that are rising from scratch. I would give an example of today, 12 years after devolution, the land registry for Nyandarua County is still in Nyahururu. We have not been able to move it to Ol Kalou. view
  • 3 May 2023 in Senate: Mr. Deputy Speaker, Sir, as the Chairman of that Committee on Lands, Environment and Natural Resources, there have been problems of poor workmanship of the new project and offices. However, those are issues that are neither here nor there. Let people go to Kathwana and operate within the available amenities and offices so that we are able to move. view
  • 3 May 2023 in Senate: I have never seen Sen. Wafula raise a point of order. So, I was very shocked and surprised. If it were Sen. Olekina, I would not have stopped because I am used to seeing him raise a point of order. However, Sen. Wafula, I was as shocked as you are. Mr. Deputy Speaker, Sir, I need you to protect me from the noises of Sen. Tobiko. view
  • 3 May 2023 in Senate: You shall raise your point of order after I am through. I am persuaded by the interventions that have been made by Sen. Olekina and Sen. Faki. Mr. Deputy Speaker, Sir, as a Senate, we are the people that are supposed to protect devolution. We need to form a multiagency to go and sort out this matter, is then to spite the people of Tharaka Nithi County. They have come to us, the people that are supposed to defend them, then we want to give that duty to some other team. Despite the pain of having to wait for 12 ... view
  • 2 May 2023 in Senate: Madam Temporary Speaker, I will also allow other colleagues to comment on this Motion. I rise to support this timely Motion. I do not know why the Senator for Makueni started mentioning where they were when the attack happened. At that time, I was in nursery school. That makes it even sad that I have grown until I became a Senator, but no compensation has been made to the victims of that particular terrorist attack. Looking at the definition, a victim is an individual who suffers direct or threatened physical, financial or emotional harm because of commission of crime. In ... view
  • 2 May 2023 in Senate: The electronic version of the Senate Hansard Report is for information purposesonly. A certified version of this Report can be obtained from the Hansard Editor, Senate. view
  • 2 May 2023 in Senate: survived, the victims and those who were injured in the attack. They qualify to get a share of the victim compensation fund. It is my considered opinion that we must first build a nexus between the Kenyans who were in the Embassy and the American Government. As my colleague has elaborated, the attack did not only happen in Kenya. It also happened in Tanzania and Sudan. The target was the American people and their Government. It is not the laxity of the Government of Kenya. Neither is it the laxity of the Government of Sudan or that of Tanzania; this ... view


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