Parties & Coalitions

All parliamentary appearances

Entries 661 to 670 of 827.

  • 2 May 2023 in Senate: The electronic version of the Senate Hansard Report is for information purposesonly. A certified version of this Report can be obtained from the Hansard Editor, Senate. view
  • 2 May 2023 in Senate: against our country. It is not the only attack of this magnitude that has happened in Kenya. It is not really fair, that year in, year out, people come to visit the 1998 Bomb Blast Memorial Park. Every time we get a leader from the USA and other places, they come to visit the memorial park. When shall we speak about the victims? When shall we speak about the survivors? When shall we speak about those who died? We cannot just keep lamenting every day. We cannot just keep saying that a bomb blast happened. Yes, it happened. Out of ... view
  • 27 Apr 2023 in Senate: Mr. Speaker, Sir, thank you for according me this opportunity on behalf of the Senator for Kiambu County, Sen. Thang’wa. He is out on duty but just about to join us. I welcome the two delegations who are here, especially those from Kiambu County led by their Speaker, Hon. Charles Thiong’o. Hon. Thiong’o is one of the youngest Speakers in the Republic and he is heading one of the largest county assemblies in the country. I have known him since our days in the trenches when we used to visit local television (TV) stations together. I am very happy that, ... view
  • 27 Apr 2023 in Senate: No. With the same wife. I know that is why there are some jitters. I do not have a different wife in Kilifi. I have another home there. I, therefore, welcome them here. Finally, I would like to encourage them. You always request me to welcome members of delegations from county assemblies because I am a product of a county assembly. I worked at the County Assembly of Nyandarua and I am now in the Senate. So, you can go all the way up. You can come from the Speaker’s Gallery, to down here, the National Assembly, or elsewhere. view
  • 25 Apr 2023 in Senate: Point of order, Mr. Deputy Speaker, Sir, view
  • 25 Apr 2023 in Senate: I have it in my hand. These days, I have known the rules of this House very well. I am rising in regard to the Speaker’s Rules No. 5 which is part of what guides us. “Senators are required not to enter into the Chamber, lounge or dining room without being properly dressed---” Mr. Deputy Speaker, Sir, I do not want to read the entire bit, but I am getting a little impatient. You had promised to deliver a ruling on the second day that I made that request. This is a very serious issue; we are just about to ... view
  • 25 Apr 2023 in Senate: No, nobody is improperly dressed, we only want your guidance. view
  • 25 Apr 2023 in Senate: I came in this House with an Indian attire, and you chased me out. view
  • 25 Apr 2023 in Senate: They did not appear last year because --- view
  • 25 Apr 2023 in Senate: No, you had said that you shall rule--- view


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