Moses Masika Wetangula

Parties & Coalitions


13th September 1956


Employment History:
Advocate of the High Court of Kenya -
Wetangula & Co. Advocates of Kenya


Parliament Buildings
Parliament Rd.
P.O Box 41842 – 00100
Nairobi, Kenya





@wetangulam on Twitter

Moses Masika Wetangula

Speaker of the National Assembly in the 13th Parliament.

He was the Bungoma Senator (2013 - 2022; Leader of Minority in the Senate (2013 - 2017)

By virtue of his position as co-principal in NASA he was retained as Minority Leader in the 12th Parliament but later replaced by his Siaya counterpart after 19 senators who attended Nasa's Parliamentary Group meeting at Parliament Buildings in Nairobi unanimously voted to replace him with Senator James Orengo on 15th March, 2018.

All parliamentary appearances

Entries 4591 to 4600 of 6535.

  • 6 Aug 2014 in Senate: We have enough delegations. We have counted and found out that we have about 27 delegations present that are actually in the lobby. I do not know where the whips are to go and whip people back. view
  • 6 Aug 2014 in Senate: Where is the Whip of the Majority? view
  • 6 Aug 2014 in Senate: Mr. Temporary Chairperson, Sir, I was waiting to hear from the distinguished Senator that he has consulted because these are decisions that must be consultative. Since he has told us that he has consulted the people of Laikipia, anybody who knows the Geography of Laikipia will not slight him for proposing Rumuruti as against Nanyuki which is stuck way on the corner of Nyeri and Meru counties and almost close to Isiolo as well. So, the people of Laikipia will be better served if their headquarters was in Rumuruti. I support the amendment brought by the distinguished Senator. view
  • 6 Aug 2014 in Senate: Madam Temporary Speaker, I beg to second. view
  • 6 Aug 2014 in Senate: I second. view
  • 6 Aug 2014 in Senate: Madam Temporary Speaker, I will be very brief. One is to congratulate the sponsors of these Bills and, two, to thank the Senate for debating, passing and voting this afternoon in division. This is another milestone in the protection of counties and like we have said before, counties are about the people of this country. The interests of the people of this country in counties are articulated and defended in this Senate. That we have passed a Bill and it is going to be law to determine the headquarters of each county goes a long way in forestalling any future ... view
  • 6 Aug 2014 in Senate: Madam Temporary Speaker, you can see that is a carefully and mischievous opinion masquerading as a point of order. It was my opinion that we are going to a referendum. If it is your opinion that we are not, you keep it. What is out of order about that? view
  • 6 Aug 2014 in Senate: Madam Temporary Speaker, I withdraw the word “mischievous” and replace it with an even better word “a miscalculation”. The whole country knows that we are asking for a referendum. We have put a committee of experts in place. The committee of experts has met the IEBC and they have discussed and plans are in place. Those who do not see, I remind you of the great words of Jesus in the Bible: “They have eyes but they do not see, they have ears but they do not hear, they have mouths but they do not speak”. This is the problem ... view
  • 6 Aug 2014 in Senate: Thank you, Madam Temporary Speaker, for giving me a chance to contribute to this very critical Report. I had started by lauding the Committee for doing such great work and even coming up with the Draft Bill. I also pointed out to the Chair of the Committee that there is or has been an identical Bill in the Lower House and that probably they should look at the content and see if it is radically different from our Draft Bill. Madam Temporary Speaker, minerals play a very critical role in many economies. In Africa, countries with vast mineral resources where ... view
  • 6 Aug 2014 in Senate: Madam Temporary Speaker, the land on which these minerals are was illegally and unlawfully appropriated at Independence. These people are walking away smiling by selling and getting illegal compensations; something they never owned in the first place. We have the TJRC Report and the Ndung’u Report and if the Jubilee Coalition Government wants Kenyans to believe that they are interested in dealing with the issue of land, we do not need these populist stunts that are taking us nowhere. If you want to solve the problems of Lamu, start with Mpeketoni. Who were the original owners? In Taita Taveta, how ... view


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