Moses Masika Wetangula

Parties & Coalitions


13th September 1956


Employment History:
Advocate of the High Court of Kenya -
Wetangula & Co. Advocates of Kenya


Parliament Buildings
Parliament Rd.
P.O Box 41842 – 00100
Nairobi, Kenya





@wetangulam on Twitter

Moses Masika Wetangula

Speaker of the National Assembly in the 13th Parliament.

He was the Bungoma Senator (2013 - 2022; Leader of Minority in the Senate (2013 - 2017)

By virtue of his position as co-principal in NASA he was retained as Minority Leader in the 12th Parliament but later replaced by his Siaya counterpart after 19 senators who attended Nasa's Parliamentary Group meeting at Parliament Buildings in Nairobi unanimously voted to replace him with Senator James Orengo on 15th March, 2018.

All parliamentary appearances

Entries 5361 to 5370 of 6535.

  • 16 May 2013 in Senate: Yes. The electronic version of the Senate Hansard Report is for information purposes only. A certified version of this Report can be obtained from the Hansard Editor, Senate. view
  • 16 May 2013 in Senate: Thank you, Mr. Speaker, Sir. view
  • 16 May 2013 in Senate: On a point of order, Mr. Speaker, Sir. I want to remind the distinguished Senator for Mandera that there is no little mysterious country in Africa. We have Republics and our Standing Orders prohibit us from making such statements. Just as a matter of procedure, I have looked at Standing Order No.43 and I have no views on what Sen. (Dr.) Khalwale is asking but as a matter of procedure. Standing Order No.43 says in part; “Notwithstanding Standing Order No.39, (Sequence of Proceedings), there shall be time, to be designated Statements Hour, every Thursday, commencing not later than 3.00 p.m. ... view
  • 15 May 2013 in Senate: Thank you, Madam Temporary Speaker. I support the Motion. Hearing my brother, the Senator from Nyeri – one of the most favorite counties in the country – speak the way he did, I feel very happy that we are approaching this process of correcting historical imbalances in a bipartisan manner, and that this country must develop equitably and, at some level, equally. Madam Temporary Speaker, the road network is critical for development and if you look at the report that Sen. Musila was referring to, the table on observations says that counties that have more roads covered are again the ... view
  • 15 May 2013 in Senate: For you to go to a place which is very close by, in Magadi, you have to come back to Nairobi in order to get to Magadi; something which is very, very embarrassing 50 years after Independence. Yet when you cross from Kajiado to Magadi, the entire area looks very productive, very green and very good for agriculture, and this can be said of everywhere. So, I want to urge that as we support this Motion, we should start broadening our thinking; that we need reports from every department. I want to urge the Mover of this Motion to, perhaps, ... view
  • 14 May 2013 in Senate: Thank you, Mr. Speaker, Sir. I want to start by congratulating the Senator for Siaya for bringing such an important Motion to the Senate. If you look at the operations of the county governments, although in their infancy, you will get a very clear impression, as the Senator for Meru said that there is every intention to malnourish this child. All things are going wrong. You cannot start county assemblies with no intention to make them assemblies to do their work. All you need to do is to look around and see comparable jurisdictions that have similar sets; the provincial ... view
  • 14 May 2013 in Senate: On a point of order, Mr. Speaker, Sir. Is it in order for Sen. G.G. Kariuki of Laikipia who has the distinction of having been a Member of the First Parliament of this country and who we expect to learn from in terms of experience, age and practice to say that those who spoke before him, that is, Sen. Orengo, Sen. Kiraitu and I, were playing to the gallery when we are dealing with very serious issues? Is he in order? This is casting aspersions on colleagues. view
  • 14 May 2013 in Senate: The electronic version of the Senate Hansard Report is for information purposes only. A certified version of this Report can be obtained from the Hansard Editor, Senate. view
  • 14 May 2013 in Senate: Mr. Speaker, Sir, in the interest of time, I would like to remind my good brother, the Senator for Migori that you have already very clearly explained to the House this matter. The threshold for voting is 24. For us to pass a Motion, we must have 24 votes. If the Motion we are voting on does not have 24 votes in support, then it is lost. He explained this very certainty. My brother was in the Chamber when you did. view
  • 14 May 2013 in Senate: On a point of order, Madam Temporary Speaker. This is a Motion that is likely to elicit a lot of interest from every Senator present. I want to request the Chair to reduce the time of contribution to, perhaps, three or five minutes, so that everybody can ventilate because we still have another agenda coming at 6.00 p.m. view


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