Owen Yaa Baya

Parties & Coalitions

All parliamentary appearances

Entries 691 to 700 of 714.

  • 14 Mar 2018 in National Assembly: political tensions arising from escalation of enmity among ethnic communities. I hope the ongoing dialogue presents an opportunity for us to stop the low moments that follow our electioneering processes. Thank you very much, Hon. Speaker. view
  • 28 Feb 2018 in National Assembly: Hon. Temporary Deputy Speaker, it is very important when an Hon. Member gives figures to disclose the source. Different people on Goggle have different figures displayed. There are sources that are credible and others which are not. I am afraid, probably, they have picked figures from River Road. It is very important that she discloses the source of her information. view
  • 13 Dec 2017 in National Assembly: Thank you, Hon. Speaker. I stand to support this Motion. I would also like to congratulate the Joint Parliamentary Select Committee that did this job and I think they did a fantastic Report which was very detailed. We understood a lot of things that came out of the Report. It is important at this time to realise that Kenya has been delaying the EALA process. And I think to do justice to the other Members of the region, we really need to hasten this matter and put our team there so that the interests of Kenyans are taken care of. ... view
  • 13 Dec 2017 in National Assembly: window the aspect of regional balance. Regions that have a bigger stake within EALA, such as the Coast region, should be represented. If we do not have a candidate there in the next five years I will remain a very sad person. I urge this House that as we go to the election, and as the coalitions’ leaderships whip hon. Members to vote, we ensure that we have regional balance. Thank you, Hon. Speaker. I support. view
  • 6 Dec 2017 in National Assembly: Thank you very much Hon. Temporary Deputy Speaker. I wish to introduce an amendment. The electronic version of the Official Hansard Report is for information purposesonly. A certified version of this Report can be obtained from the Hansard Editor. view
  • 6 Dec 2017 in National Assembly: Hon. Temporary Deputy Speaker, I beg to move: THAT, the Motion be amended by inserting the words “and fund” immediately after the word “introduce” appearing in the tenth line. view
  • 6 Dec 2017 in National Assembly: We are introducing compulsory tree planting. If you say compulsory, it means you need to introduce tree nurseries, purchase seedlings and all these things. To say that learning institutions should do it compulsorily, they will need to spend money to do that. Schools and other institutions have budgets that are given to them to expend. Therefore, it is important that they look at those budgets and allocate certain funding to be able to actualise this very important aspect of the life of a Kenyan. Therefore, I urge the House to adopt this amendment and the words “and fund” be introduced ... view
  • 6 Dec 2017 in National Assembly: Thank you, Hon. Temporary Deputy Speaker. I notice that the Hon. Speaker has left. I support this Motion but it is important to also note that when gazettement of the NG- CDF committees is delayed, formation of the roads committees is also delayed. This is because the roads committees need the gazetted NG-CDF members to become operational. I want to take this session because in my constituency, if we get to February and this has not been done, it will be difficult to do the roads at that time. When the Leader of the Majority Party tabled the long list ... view
  • 6 Dec 2017 in National Assembly: With those remarks, I beg to support. view
  • 29 Nov 2017 in National Assembly: I am the Member for Kilifi North Constituency. Thank you, Hon. Speaker. I would like to address the issues which have been raised and support the Chairman of Coast Parliamentary Group (CPG) on this matter. As people from the Coast we voted overwhelming for NASA and we are not going to be humiliated by the party. It comes a time when people break ranks and this is the moment where a party gets destroyed because of the kind of bias we are seeing. As the Coast people we deserve a seat among the top four leaders. We cannot have two ... view


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