Patrick Kariuki Mariru

Parties & Coalitions

All parliamentary appearances

Entries 6791 to 6800 of 8412.

  • 29 Aug 2018 in National Assembly: What is your point of order? view
  • 29 Aug 2018 in National Assembly: Fair points. Those who want to speak, please, put on your intervention button. Not all Members will have a chance. Those who will manage will get. I will ensure that different Members speak to the various amendments and so Hon. Kangogo, your point is made. Hon. Kajwang’, proceed. view
  • 29 Aug 2018 in National Assembly: You are protected. You have the Floor. view
  • 29 Aug 2018 in National Assembly: I will give a few Members. Hon. Kubai. view
  • 29 Aug 2018 in National Assembly: One other Member. Hon. Shinali. view
  • 29 Aug 2018 in National Assembly: Hon. Members, we must make progress on that now. We really must make progress on that. For purposes of clarity, there are two clauses that we are dealing with. view
  • 29 Aug 2018 in National Assembly: What is it Majority Leader? view
  • 29 Aug 2018 in National Assembly: Order, Hon. Members! Order, Members! I am guiding the House. There are two amendments on Clause 31; Sub-clause (a) and Sub-clause (c). I will put the Question on the two clauses separately. I now put the Question that clause 31 sub-clause (a) be amended as proposed. view
  • 29 Aug 2018 in National Assembly: Order, Members! Order, Members! Hon. ole Sankok, can you have a seat? Please, have your seats! Order, Hon. Millie Odhiambo! Order, Members again! You know, I am able to see from Members that we needed to be clear on what we are voting on. Remember there are two sub-clauses in one clause. For that reason, I will make sure that Members know on what they are voting, one after the other. view
  • 29 Aug 2018 in National Assembly: The electronic version of the Official Hansard Report is for information purposes only. Acertified version of this Report can be obtained from the Hansard Editor. view


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