Patrick Kariuki Mariru

Parties & Coalitions

All parliamentary appearances

Entries 7371 to 7380 of 8412.

  • 27 Jun 2018 in National Assembly: Hon. Adipo. view
  • 27 Jun 2018 in National Assembly: What is your point of order, Hon. Leader of the Majority Party? view
  • 27 Jun 2018 in National Assembly: That is a fair point by the Leader of the Majority Party. It is good to help Members to appreciate the context and what you are deleting in that section so that even as they engage, they do so from a point of information. view
  • 27 Jun 2018 in National Assembly: Order Hon. Leader of the Majority Party, you are the one who raised the issue, so it is good for you to be keen. view
  • 27 Jun 2018 in National Assembly: Hon. Chair, on the amendment as per as the Order Paper, the statement reads ‘delete and substitute with the following new subsection’. All the Members want to know is what you are deleting. view
  • 27 Jun 2018 in National Assembly: Hon. Chair, just to make it clearer, are you saying that what you are adding is after the statement ‘Government valuer’. That is what you are adding to. Hon. Kirima. view
  • 27 Jun 2018 in National Assembly: Order, Hon. Angwenyi. You will be given a chance. Hon. Omboko. view
  • 27 Jun 2018 in National Assembly: Before I give opportunity to Hon. Waihenya, Leader of the Majority Party, what is it? view
  • 27 Jun 2018 in National Assembly: I will give opportunity to a number of Members on this particular one because I can see the interest. Hon. Waihenya. view
  • 27 Jun 2018 in National Assembly: I can tell Hon. Angwenyi is quite… I did not want to use the word agitated. It is you, Hon. Nyikal, who used that. Hon Angwenyi, then I move to my left. view


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