Patrick Kariuki Mariru

Parties & Coalitions

All parliamentary appearances

Entries 7951 to 7960 of 8412.

  • 17 Apr 2018 in National Assembly: Thank you, Hon. Temporary Deputy Speaker for that opportunity. I support this extremely important Bill. I have listened to the Leader of the Majority Party as well as the Vice Chair, my good friend, who has seconded the Bill. Essentially, what the Bill does, in my considered view, is to loop in county governments which the mother law had left out. Obviously, we must appreciate, as Members, the House, and the country that we do not have enough resources to fund all the public services that we need. There is not enough money to do roads, water and other public ... view
  • 17 Apr 2018 in National Assembly: the county. Rather, it is a very comprehensive process of defining and determining which projects would fall under this framework and that is very important. We must also say, in a very expressive way, that the CS responsible must not use this law to fizzle out opportunities for county governments to benefit under this framework. The Constitution allows borrowing by counties not only at the national Government, but also from the market. When I was working with the county government, I realised some of the regulations that had been done that would otherwise allow counties to borrow money were so ... view
  • 17 Apr 2018 in National Assembly: I have never understood why they refer to them as her or him. Let us call it “it.” The counties are coming together in blocs. Those from western Kenya are coming together as a bloc. There is a Jumuia ya Pwani for the counties in Coast. Those in Central Kenya are coming together. This law gives momentum to those blocs. If the blocs in western Kenya would like to have PPP as a bloc, they are going to benefit from this law, so that when they are negotiating possibly for an international concession under PPP, this law will come in ... view
  • 17 Apr 2018 in National Assembly: I support. view
  • 12 Apr 2018 in National Assembly: Thank you, Hon. Speaker. I rise to support this Bill. This is an extremely important Bill that we are considering here today. It is important because of the new realities in our country especially the discovery of oil in some parts of this country. There are many stories and many issues that you hear in Africa and elsewhere about the discovery of oil, and the possibility of the discovery of oil being a curse to a country. We have examples across Africa where oil has been discovered but that has meant community instability. Clearly, Kenya is taking a different path ... view
  • 12 Apr 2018 in National Assembly: through from Norway is that you cannot manage oil in a sustainable and successful manner unless you have a very robust, comprehensive and clear legal infrastructure. It is not just the legal infrastructure, but also institutional infrastructure. Reading through this Bill, I gather that the legal provisions are very clear. The institutional provisions on oil governance in our country are very clear. I just want to point out a few of them. One of them is the whole question of the national upstream petroleum policy and plan. It is important for us to know that we are not going to ... view
  • 12 Apr 2018 in National Assembly: The second pretty noble provision in this law is around the local development plan. The law is very clear. When the contractor comes in place, that contractor is, under this Bill, obligated to develop a local development plan. What is interesting, important and critical for us to note is that Parliament has been put at the centre of that local development plan unlike what happens usually. So, when the contractor moots, crafts and develops the local development plan, that plan must be tabled in the House within a specific period. It is for Parliament to engage. That in itself is ... view
  • 12 Apr 2018 in National Assembly: put communities against each other or regions vis-a-vis another. We must put the Government at the centre of oil governance in our country, as well as it being the regulator. If we do not do that, we will be saying it is this region versus that, this community versus this community and this county versus another. We will never agree. We must let the Government to be at the centre. Then, the Government must commit, when Parliament is there and whoever else, to transparency and accountability on how oil governance is done and how the money gotten from oil is ... view
  • 12 Apr 2018 in National Assembly: Hon. Hulufo Oda, Member for Isiolo North. I guess I got the name correctly. view
  • 12 Apr 2018 in National Assembly: Member for Kangundo. view


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