Patrick Kariuki Mariru

Parties & Coalitions

All parliamentary appearances

Entries 8041 to 8050 of 8412.

  • 11 Apr 2018 in National Assembly: Next Order. view
  • 11 Apr 2018 in National Assembly: Before I get to my right side, let me give Hon. Osotsi Godfrey a chance. view
  • 11 Apr 2018 in National Assembly: Order, Hon. Members. What is it, Hon. Mbai? You seem to have put an intervention and quickly removed it. I guess it was a mistake. You need to be on record. What are you saying? Could you give him the microphone? What is out of order, Hon. Mbai? view
  • 11 Apr 2018 in National Assembly: Very well. Use the right button, Hon. Mbai. Yes, Hon. Osotsi. You now have the Floor. view
  • 11 Apr 2018 in National Assembly: I direct that Order No.12 be deferred for the same reason until when it is slotted again in the Order Paper. view
  • 11 Apr 2018 in National Assembly: Next Order. view
  • 11 Apr 2018 in National Assembly: Hon. Osotsi, your time is up. I am sure your point is made. Hon. Chelule, Member for Nakuru County. view
  • 11 Apr 2018 in National Assembly: Hon. Dawood Rahim, Member for North Imenti. view
  • 11 Apr 2018 in National Assembly: I also direct that Order No.13 be stepped down until a subsequent time. view
  • 11 Apr 2018 in National Assembly: We have quite a number of Members who have an interest and there is a bit of time. We have 15 minutes actually. If the Members who get a chance are persuaded, this is not binding to them, to take a bit shorter time so that their colleagues get the remaining minutes, it will be okay. But this is not binding on them. They have a maximum of five minutes each. To my left is Hon. Mwambire Ngumbao, Member for Ganze. The electronic version of the Official Hansard Report is for information purposes only. Acertified version of this Report can ... view


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