Patrick Kariuki Mariru

Parties & Coalitions

All parliamentary appearances

Entries 8111 to 8120 of 8412.

  • 21 Mar 2018 in National Assembly: Order, Hon. Deputy Leader of the Majority Party! Are you saying you actually spoke to this Motion? view
  • 21 Mar 2018 in National Assembly: You spoke on the amendment? It is fine if you spoke on the amendment and not on the substantive Motion. So, then you have the Floor. view
  • 21 Mar 2018 in National Assembly: Order, the Deputy Leader of the Majority Party! Hon. Janet Member for Trans Nzoia, you seem to have an intervention. What is your point of order? view
  • 21 Mar 2018 in National Assembly: That is not the way to catch the Speaker’s eye. You should not use the intervention button. view
  • 21 Mar 2018 in National Assembly: Hon. Members, you will all get a chance. I will be fair to both sides of the House, considering the time one has come, gender, seniority as well, and those who have not spoken for a while among many other things. I will make sure I am as fair as possible. Hon. Martin Owino. view
  • 21 Mar 2018 in National Assembly: Very well. Shall we have Hon. Florence Mutua, Member for Busia. view
  • 21 Mar 2018 in National Assembly: Can we have Hon. (Ms.) Nyaga Nkatha, Member for Tharaka Nithi? view
  • 21 Mar 2018 in National Assembly: I can tell the interest is very clear on this Bill and we are going to have enough time on it. I will distribute fairly the opportunities to speak to this very important Bill. Next is Hon. (Ms.) Wamuchomba Gathoni. view
  • 21 Mar 2018 in National Assembly: As I said, I will give chances. It is good for you to understand that I have to do quite a bit of considerations. Next is Hon. Were Ong’ondo. view
  • 21 Mar 2018 in National Assembly: I was to give a chance to Hon. (Ms.) Chebaibai and many others. I am informed that the Mover has to be called to reply. There is normally a very gracious occasion where the Mover donates some of his minutes to colleagues. Because of time, I will call the Mover to reply. If he is gracious enough, he can donate some of his minutes to his colleagues. Let us have Hon. Omar. view


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