Patrick Kariuki Mariru

Parties & Coalitions

All parliamentary appearances

Entries 8151 to 8160 of 8412.

  • 21 Mar 2018 in National Assembly: Order, Hon. Wachira Kabinga. I can see you have remembered the mistake you have done. Please go to the door, bow and then say hey to your friend Hon. Musimba. Proceed now. view
  • 21 Mar 2018 in National Assembly: Hon. (Ms.) Cheruiyot Chesire, I notice that you have been extremely patient and I can see you are on top of the list. view
  • 21 Mar 2018 in National Assembly: What is it Hon. Sankok. You seem to have an intervention. view
  • 21 Mar 2018 in National Assembly: Order, Hon. Sankok! That is quite unprecedented that you are rising to protect the Speaker. The Speaker is not in any danger. He is okay. It is just the honourable members that are consulting. The Speaker has several ears. He is still listening as he is consulting. view
  • 21 Mar 2018 in National Assembly: Yes, Hon. Mohamed Sheikh. view
  • 21 Mar 2018 in National Assembly: Let us have Hon. Shaban. view
  • 21 Mar 2018 in National Assembly: Hon. Musimba, I have consulted on the time the Speaker indicated. In line with the Speaker’s pronouncement earlier, you will get as much time as you will need to present and prosecute your presentation, I will give you the first 10 minutes and then after that, inform the Chair the additional time that you need and an addition will be made at that point. You have your 10 minutes. view
  • 21 Mar 2018 in National Assembly: Order, Hon. Musimba. What is it Hon. George Macharia? view
  • 21 Mar 2018 in National Assembly: That is a fair point, Hon. George Macharia. We have three minutes to the end of time. Can the Clerk-at-the Table confirm to me whether we have quorum or not. view
  • 21 Mar 2018 in National Assembly: Hon. Member, our Standing Orders say that the Quorum Bell be rung for ten minutes to secure the quorum, but we have two minutes remaining to the end of the Sitting. So, in the circumstances, there is no need to actually ring the Bell because it has to be rung for ten minutes. We now actually have one minute and thirty seconds to the end of Sitting. In that case, Hon. Musimba, the time that you had been allocated has been noted and it will be picked up when this matter comes back. The time that you had spoken is ... view


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