Patrick Kariuki Mariru

Parties & Coalitions

All parliamentary appearances

Entries 8191 to 8200 of 8412.

  • 28 Feb 2018 in National Assembly: Hon. Members, the House should rise now but I am going to use my discretion to extend the sitting by a few minutes so that we conclude this business. I am extending the sitting by only a few minutes so that the discretion is not extrapolated too much. Hon. Muchangi. view
  • 28 Feb 2018 in National Assembly: Hon. Gichimu. view
  • 28 Feb 2018 in National Assembly: What is your point of order, Hon. Wachira Kabinga? view
  • 28 Feb 2018 in National Assembly: Hon. Wachira, you cannot call the Mover to reply. That is reserved for me. view
  • 28 Feb 2018 in National Assembly: Anyway, I hear your request that I confirm the mood of the House. I want to confirm the mood of the House whether we should really call the Mover to reply. view
  • 28 Feb 2018 in National Assembly: Mover, you may reply. view
  • 28 Feb 2018 in National Assembly: I shall defer putting the Question on that Motion. That will be done in subsequent time. view
  • 28 Feb 2018 in National Assembly: Hon. Members, the time being six minutes after 1.00 p.m., this House stands adjourned until this afternoon at 2.30 p.m. view
  • 28 Feb 2018 in National Assembly: The House rose at 1.06 p.m. view
  • 28 Feb 2018 in National Assembly: The electronic version of the Official Hansard Report is for information purposes only. Acertified version of this Report can be obtained from the Hansard Editor. view


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