Patrick Kariuki Mariru

Parties & Coalitions

All parliamentary appearances

Entries 8341 to 8350 of 8412.

  • 8 Nov 2017 in National Assembly: Shall we have Hon. Mutunga Kanyuithia of Tigania West? view
  • 8 Nov 2017 in National Assembly: Let us have Hon. Kimani Kuria, the Member for Molo. view
  • 8 Nov 2017 in National Assembly: Hon. Members, I appreciate that you have very specific interests on this Motion and agenda but we have 18 requests. I am afraid that because of time constraint, we may have to call upon the Mover to reply so that we move to the next agenda. I call upon Hon. Cecily Mbarire to reply view
  • 8 Nov 2017 in National Assembly: Hon. Members, the Question will be put some other time. Next Order. view
  • 8 Nov 2017 in National Assembly: Order, Hon. Members! view
  • 8 Nov 2017 in National Assembly: Let us have Hon. Oundo Ojiambo, Member for Funyula. view
  • 8 Nov 2017 in National Assembly: We may now have the Member for Buuri. view
  • 8 Nov 2017 in National Assembly: Let us have Hon. Kamene Joyce, Member for Machakos County. view
  • 8 Nov 2017 in National Assembly: Hon. Oyula, Member for Butula. view
  • 8 Nov 2017 in National Assembly: Let me now give this opportunity to a member who has been very patient – Hon. King’ara, the Member for Ruiru. view


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